import { In, Repository } from "typeorm"; import { isAPI } from "../globals.js"; import { MINUTES, SECONDS } from "../utils.js"; import { BaseRepository } from "./BaseRepository.js"; import { cleanupUsernames } from "./cleanup/usernames.js"; import { dataSource } from "./dataSource.js"; import { UsernameHistoryEntry } from "./entities/UsernameHistoryEntry.js"; const CLEANUP_INTERVAL = 5 * MINUTES; async function cleanup() { await cleanupUsernames(); setTimeout(cleanup, CLEANUP_INTERVAL); } if (!isAPI()) { // Start first cleanup 30 seconds after startup // TODO: Move to bot startup code setTimeout(cleanup, 30 * SECONDS); } export const MAX_USERNAME_ENTRIES_PER_USER = 5; export class UsernameHistory extends BaseRepository { private usernameHistory: Repository; constructor() { super(); this.usernameHistory = dataSource.getRepository(UsernameHistoryEntry); } async getByUserId(userId): Promise { return this.usernameHistory.find({ where: { user_id: userId, }, order: { id: "DESC", }, take: MAX_USERNAME_ENTRIES_PER_USER, }); } getLastEntry(userId): Promise { return this.usernameHistory.findOne({ where: { user_id: userId, }, order: { id: "DESC", }, }); } async addEntry(userId, username) { await this.usernameHistory.insert({ user_id: userId, username, }); // Cleanup (leave only the last MAX_USERNAME_ENTRIES_PER_USER entries) const toDelete = await this.usernameHistory .createQueryBuilder() .where("user_id = :userId", { userId }) .orderBy("id", "DESC") .skip(MAX_USERNAME_ENTRIES_PER_USER) .take(99_999) .getMany(); if (toDelete.length > 0) { await this.usernameHistory.delete({ id: In( =>, }); } } }