import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions, logger } from "knub"; import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import { Member, Channel, GuildChannel, PermissionOverwrite, Permission, Message, TextChannel } from "eris"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import { tNullable } from "../utils"; // Permissions using these numbers: (add all allowed/denied ones up) const CompanionChannelOpts = t.type({ voice_channel_ids: t.array(t.string), text_channel_ids: t.array(t.string), permissions: t.number, enabled: tNullable(t.boolean), }); type TCompanionChannelOpts = t.TypeOf; const ConfigSchema = t.type({ entries: t.record(t.string, CompanionChannelOpts), }); type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf; interface ICompanionChannelMap { [channelId: string]: TCompanionChannelOpts; } const defaultCompanionChannelOpts: Partial = { enabled: true, }; export class CompanionChannelPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "companion_channels"; protected static configSchema = ConfigSchema; public static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { entries: {}, }, }; } /** * Returns an array of companion channel opts that match the given userId and voiceChannelId, * with default companion channel opts applied as well */ protected getCompanionChannelOptsForVoiceChannelId(userId, voiceChannelId): TCompanionChannelOpts[] { const config = this.getConfigForMemberIdAndChannelId(userId, voiceChannelId); return Object.values(config.entries) .filter(opts => opts.voice_channel_ids.includes(voiceChannelId)) .map(opts => Object.assign({}, defaultCompanionChannelOpts, opts)); } async handleCompanionPermissions(userId: string, voiceChannelId?: string, oldChannelId?: string) { const permsToDelete: Set = new Set(); // channelId[] const oldPerms: Map = new Map(); // channelId => permissions const permsToSet: Map = new Map(); // channelId => permissions const oldChannelOptsArr: TCompanionChannelOpts[] = oldChannelId ? this.getCompanionChannelOptsForVoiceChannelId(userId, oldChannelId) : []; const newChannelOptsArr: TCompanionChannelOpts[] = voiceChannelId ? this.getCompanionChannelOptsForVoiceChannelId(userId, voiceChannelId) : []; for (const oldChannelOpts of oldChannelOptsArr) { for (const channelId of oldChannelOpts.text_channel_ids) { oldPerms.set(channelId, oldChannelOpts.permissions); permsToDelete.add(channelId); } } for (const newChannelOpts of newChannelOptsArr) { for (const channelId of newChannelOpts.text_channel_ids) { if (oldPerms.get(channelId) !== newChannelOpts.permissions) { // Update text channel perms if the channel we transitioned from didn't already have the same text channel perms permsToSet.set(channelId, newChannelOpts.permissions); } if (permsToDelete.has(channelId)) { permsToDelete.delete(channelId); } } } for (const channelId of permsToDelete) { const channel = this.guild.channels.get(channelId); if (!channel || !(channel instanceof TextChannel)) continue; channel.deletePermission(userId, `Companion Channel for ${oldChannelId} | User Left`); } for (const [channelId, permissions] of permsToSet) { const channel = this.guild.channels.get(channelId); if (!channel || !(channel instanceof TextChannel)) continue; channel.editPermission(userId, permissions, 0, "member", `Companion Channel for ${voiceChannelId} | User Joined`); } } @d.event("voiceChannelJoin") onVoiceChannelJoin(member: Member, voiceChannel: Channel) { this.handleCompanionPermissions(,; } @d.event("voiceChannelSwitch") onVoiceChannelSwitch(member: Member, newChannel: Channel, oldChannel: Channel) { this.handleCompanionPermissions(,,; } @d.event("voiceChannelLeave") onVoiceChannelLeave(member: Member, voiceChannel: Channel) { this.handleCompanionPermissions(, null,; } }