import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import { convertDelayStringToMS, getEmojiInString, getInviteCodesInString, getRoleMentions, getUrlsInString, getUserMentions, MINUTES, noop, tNullable, } from "../utils"; import { decorators as d } from "knub"; import { mergeConfig } from "knub/dist/configUtils"; import { Invite, Member, Message } from "eris"; import escapeStringRegexp from "escape-string-regexp"; import { SimpleCache } from "../SimpleCache"; import { Queue } from "../Queue"; import Timeout = NodeJS.Timeout; import { ModActionsPlugin } from "./ModActions"; import { MutesPlugin } from "./Mutes"; type MessageInfo = { channelId: string; messageId: string }; type TextTriggerWithMultipleMatchTypes = { match_messages: boolean; match_embeds: boolean; match_usernames: boolean; match_nicknames: boolean; }; interface TriggerMatchResult { type: string; } interface MessageTextTriggerMatchResult extends TriggerMatchResult { type: "message" | "embed"; str: string; userId: string; messageInfo: MessageInfo; } interface OtherTextTriggerMatchResult extends TriggerMatchResult { type: "username" | "nickname"; str: string; userId: string; } type TextTriggerMatchResult = MessageTextTriggerMatchResult | OtherTextTriggerMatchResult; interface TextSpamTriggerMatchResult extends TriggerMatchResult { type: "textspam"; actionType: RecentActionType; channelId: string; userId: string; messageInfos: MessageInfo[]; } interface RaidSpamTriggerMatchResult extends TriggerMatchResult { type: "raidspam"; actionType: RecentActionType; channelId: string; userIds: string[]; messageInfos: MessageInfo[]; } interface OtherSpamTriggerMatchResult extends TriggerMatchResult { type: "otherspam"; actionType: RecentActionType; userIds: string[]; } type AnyTriggerMatchResult = | TextTriggerMatchResult | TextSpamTriggerMatchResult | RaidSpamTriggerMatchResult | OtherSpamTriggerMatchResult; /** * TRIGGERS */ const MatchWordsTrigger = t.type({ words: t.array(t.string), case_sensitive: t.boolean, only_full_words: t.boolean, match_messages: t.boolean, match_embeds: t.boolean, match_usernames: t.boolean, match_nicknames: t.boolean, }); type TMatchWordsTrigger = t.TypeOf; const defaultMatchWordsTrigger: TMatchWordsTrigger = { words: [], case_sensitive: false, only_full_words: true, match_messages: true, match_embeds: true, match_usernames: false, match_nicknames: false, }; const MatchRegexTrigger = t.type({ patterns: t.array(t.string), case_sensitive: t.boolean, match_messages: t.boolean, match_embeds: t.boolean, match_usernames: t.boolean, match_nicknames: t.boolean, }); type TMatchRegexTrigger = t.TypeOf; const defaultMatchRegexTrigger: Partial = { case_sensitive: false, match_messages: true, match_embeds: true, match_usernames: false, match_nicknames: false, }; const MatchInvitesTrigger = t.type({ include_guilds: tNullable(t.array(t.string)), exclude_guilds: tNullable(t.array(t.string)), include_invite_codes: tNullable(t.array(t.string)), exclude_invite_codes: tNullable(t.array(t.string)), allow_group_dm_invites: t.boolean, match_messages: t.boolean, match_embeds: t.boolean, match_usernames: t.boolean, match_nicknames: t.boolean, }); type TMatchInvitesTrigger = t.TypeOf; const defaultMatchInvitesTrigger: Partial = { allow_group_dm_invites: false, match_messages: true, match_embeds: true, match_usernames: false, match_nicknames: false, }; const MatchLinksTrigger = t.type({ include_domains: tNullable(t.array(t.string)), exclude_domains: tNullable(t.array(t.string)), include_subdomains: t.boolean, match_messages: t.boolean, match_embeds: t.boolean, match_usernames: t.boolean, match_nicknames: t.boolean, }); type TMatchLinksTrigger = t.TypeOf; const defaultMatchLinksTrigger: Partial = { include_subdomains: true, match_messages: true, match_embeds: true, match_usernames: false, match_nicknames: false, }; const BaseSpamTrigger = t.type({ amount: t.number, within: t.string, }); const BaseTextSpamTrigger = t.intersection([ BaseSpamTrigger, t.type({ per_channel: t.boolean, }), ]); type TBaseTextSpamTrigger = t.TypeOf; const defaultTextSpamTrigger: Partial> = { per_channel: true, }; const MaxMessagesTrigger = BaseTextSpamTrigger; type TMaxMessagesTrigger = t.TypeOf; const MaxMentionsTrigger = BaseTextSpamTrigger; type TMaxMentionsTrigger = t.TypeOf; const MaxLinksTrigger = BaseTextSpamTrigger; type TMaxLinksTrigger = t.TypeOf; const MaxAttachmentsTrigger = BaseTextSpamTrigger; type TMaxAttachmentsTrigger = t.TypeOf; const MaxEmojisTrigger = BaseTextSpamTrigger; type TMaxEmojisTrigger = t.TypeOf; const MaxLinesTrigger = BaseTextSpamTrigger; type TMaxLinesTrigger = t.TypeOf; const MaxCharactersTrigger = BaseTextSpamTrigger; type TMaxCharactersTrigger = t.TypeOf; const MaxVoiceMovesTrigger = BaseSpamTrigger; type TMaxVoiceMovesTrigger = t.TypeOf; /** * ACTIONS */ const CleanAction = t.boolean; const WarnAction = t.type({ reason: t.string, }); const MuteAction = t.type({ duration: t.string, reason: tNullable(t.string), }); const KickAction = t.type({ reason: tNullable(t.string), }); const BanAction = t.type({ reason: tNullable(t.string), }); const AlertAction = t.type({ text: t.string, }); /** * FULL CONFIG SCHEMA */ const Rule = t.type({ enabled: t.boolean, name: t.string, presets: tNullable(t.array(t.string)), triggers: t.array( t.type({ match_words: tNullable(MatchWordsTrigger), match_regex: tNullable(MatchRegexTrigger), match_invites: tNullable(MatchInvitesTrigger), match_links: tNullable(MatchLinksTrigger), max_messages: tNullable(MaxMessagesTrigger), max_mentions: tNullable(MaxMentionsTrigger), max_links: tNullable(MaxLinksTrigger), max_attachments: tNullable(MaxAttachmentsTrigger), max_emojis: tNullable(MaxEmojisTrigger), max_lines: tNullable(MaxLinesTrigger), max_characters: tNullable(MaxCharactersTrigger), max_voice_moves: tNullable(MaxVoiceMovesTrigger), // TODO: Duplicates trigger }), ), actions: t.type({ clean: tNullable(CleanAction), warn: tNullable(WarnAction), mute: tNullable(MuteAction), kick: tNullable(KickAction), ban: tNullable(BanAction), alert: tNullable(AlertAction), }), }); type TRule = t.TypeOf; const ConfigSchema = t.type({ rules: t.record(t.string, Rule), }); type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf; /** * DEFAULTS */ const defaultTriggers = { match_words: defaultMatchWordsTrigger, }; /** * MISC */ enum RecentActionType { Message = 1, Mention, Link, Attachment, Emoji, Line, Character, VoiceChannelMove, } interface BaseRecentAction { identifier: string; timestamp: number; count: number; } type TextRecentAction = BaseRecentAction & { type: | RecentActionType.Message | RecentActionType.Mention | RecentActionType.Link | RecentActionType.Attachment | RecentActionType.Emoji | RecentActionType.Line | RecentActionType.Character; messageInfo: MessageInfo; }; type OtherRecentAction = BaseRecentAction & { type: RecentActionType.VoiceChannelMove; }; type RecentAction = TextRecentAction | OtherRecentAction; const MAX_SPAM_CHECK_TIMESPAN = 5 * MINUTES; const inviteCache = new SimpleCache(10 * MINUTES); export class AutomodPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "automod"; public static configSchema = ConfigSchema; public static dependencies = ["mod_actions", "mutes"]; protected unloaded = false; // Handle automod checks/actions in a queue so we don't get overlap on the same user protected automodQueue: Queue; // Recent actions are used to detect "max_*" type of triggers, i.e. spam triggers protected recentActions: RecentAction[]; protected recentActionClearInterval: Timeout; // After a spam trigger is tripped and the rule's action carried out, a short "grace period" will be placed on the user. // During this grace period, if the user repeats the same type of recent action that tripped the rule, that message will // be deleted and no further action will be carried out. This is mainly to account for the delay between the spam message // being posted and the bot reacting to it, during which the user could keep posting more spam. protected spamGracePeriods: Array<{ key: string; type: RecentActionType; expiresAt: number }>; protected spamGracePriodClearInterval: Timeout; protected modActions: ModActionsPlugin; protected mutes: MutesPlugin; protected static preprocessStaticConfig(config) { if (config.rules && typeof config.rules === "object") { // Loop through each rule for (const [name, rule] of Object.entries(config.rules)) { if (rule == null || typeof rule !== "object") continue; rule["name"] = name; // If the rule doesn't have an explicitly set "enabled" property, set it to true if (rule["enabled"] == null) { rule["enabled"] = true; } // Loop through the rule's triggers if (rule["triggers"] != null && Array.isArray(rule["triggers"])) { for (const trigger of rule["triggers"]) { if (trigger == null || typeof trigger !== "object") continue; // Apply default triggers to the triggers used in this rule for (const [defaultTriggerName, defaultTrigger] of Object.entries(defaultTriggers)) { if (trigger[defaultTriggerName] && typeof trigger[defaultTriggerName] === "object") { trigger[defaultTriggerName] = mergeConfig({}, defaultTrigger, trigger[defaultTriggerName]); } } } } } } return config; } public static getStaticDefaultOptions() { return { rules: [], }; } protected onLoad() { this.automodQueue = new Queue(); this.modActions = this.getPlugin("mod_actions"); } protected onUnload() { this.unloaded = true; clearInterval(this.recentActionClearInterval); clearInterval(this.spamGracePriodClearInterval); } protected evaluateMatchWordsTrigger(trigger: TMatchWordsTrigger, str: string): boolean { for (const word of trigger.words) { const pattern = trigger.only_full_words ? `\b${escapeStringRegexp(word)}\b` : escapeStringRegexp(word); const regex = new RegExp(pattern, trigger.case_sensitive ? "" : "i"); return regex.test(str); } } protected evaluateMatchRegexTrigger(trigger: TMatchRegexTrigger, str: string): boolean { // TODO: Time limit regexes for (const pattern of trigger.patterns) { const regex = new RegExp(pattern, trigger.case_sensitive ? "" : "i"); return regex.test(str); } } protected async evaluateMatchInvitesTrigger(trigger: TMatchInvitesTrigger, str: string): Promise { const inviteCodes = getInviteCodesInString(str); if (inviteCodes.length === 0) return false; const uniqueInviteCodes = Array.from(new Set(inviteCodes)); for (const code of uniqueInviteCodes) { if (trigger.include_invite_codes && trigger.include_invite_codes.includes(code)) { return true; } if (trigger.exclude_invite_codes && !trigger.exclude_invite_codes.includes(code)) { return true; } } const invites: Array = await Promise.all( code => { if (inviteCache.has(code)) { return inviteCache.get(code); } else { const invite = await; inviteCache.set(code, invite); return invite; } }), ); for (const invite of invites) { if (!invite) return true; if (trigger.include_guilds && trigger.include_guilds.includes( { return true; } if (trigger.exclude_guilds && !trigger.exclude_guilds.includes( { return true; } } return false; } protected evaluateMatchLinksTrigger(trigger: TMatchLinksTrigger, str: string): boolean { const links = getUrlsInString(str, true); for (const link of links) { const normalizedHostname = link.hostname.toLowerCase(); if (trigger.include_domains) { for (const domain of trigger.include_domains) { const normalizedDomain = domain.toLowerCase(); if (normalizedDomain === normalizedHostname) { return true; } if (trigger.include_subdomains && normalizedHostname.endsWith(`.${domain}`)) { return true; } } } if (trigger.exclude_domains) { for (const domain of trigger.exclude_domains) { const normalizedDomain = domain.toLowerCase(); if (normalizedDomain === normalizedHostname) { return false; } if (trigger.include_subdomains && normalizedHostname.endsWith(`.${domain}`)) { return false; } } return true; } } return false; } protected matchTextSpamTrigger( recentActionType: RecentActionType, trigger: TBaseTextSpamTrigger, msg: Message, ): TextSpamTriggerMatchResult { const since = msg.timestamp - convertDelayStringToMS(trigger.within); const recentActions = trigger.per_channel ? this.getMatchingRecentActions(recentActionType, `${}-${}`, since) : this.getMatchingRecentActions(recentActionType,, since); if (recentActions.length > trigger.amount) { return { type: "textspam", actionType: recentActionType, channelId: trigger.per_channel ? : null, messageInfos: => (action as TextRecentAction).messageInfo), userId:, }; } return null; } protected async matchMultipleTextTypesOnMessage( trigger: TextTriggerWithMultipleMatchTypes, msg: Message, cb, ): Promise { const messageInfo: MessageInfo = { channelId:, messageId: }; if (trigger.match_messages) { const str = msg.content; const match = await cb(str); if (match) return { type: "message", str, userId:, messageInfo }; } if (trigger.match_embeds && msg.embeds.length) { const str = JSON.stringify(msg.embeds[0]); const match = await cb(str); if (match) return { type: "embed", str, userId:, messageInfo }; } if (trigger.match_usernames) { const str = `${}#${}`; const match = await cb(str); if (match) return { type: "username", str, userId: }; } if (trigger.match_nicknames && msg.member.nick) { const str = msg.member.nick; const match = await cb(str); if (match) return { type: "nickname", str, userId: }; } return null; } protected async matchMultipleTextTypesOnMember( trigger: TextTriggerWithMultipleMatchTypes, member: Member, cb, ): Promise { if (trigger.match_usernames) { const str = `${member.user.username}#${member.user.discriminator}`; const match = await cb(str); if (match) return { type: "username", str, userId: }; } if (trigger.match_nicknames && member.nick) { const str = member.nick; const match = await cb(str); if (match) return { type: "nickname", str, userId: }; } return null; } /** * Returns whether the triggers in the rule match the given message */ protected async matchRuleToMessage( rule: TRule, msg: Message, ): Promise { for (const trigger of rule.triggers) { if (trigger.match_words) { const match = await this.matchMultipleTextTypesOnMessage(trigger.match_words, msg, str => { return this.evaluateMatchWordsTrigger(trigger.match_words, str); }); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.match_regex) { const match = await this.matchMultipleTextTypesOnMessage(trigger.match_regex, msg, str => { return this.evaluateMatchRegexTrigger(trigger.match_regex, str); }); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.match_invites) { const match = await this.matchMultipleTextTypesOnMessage(trigger.match_invites, msg, str => { return this.evaluateMatchInvitesTrigger(trigger.match_invites, str); }); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.match_links) { const match = await this.matchMultipleTextTypesOnMessage(trigger.match_links, msg, str => { return this.evaluateMatchLinksTrigger(trigger.match_links, str); }); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.max_messages) { const match = this.matchTextSpamTrigger(RecentActionType.Message, trigger.max_messages, msg); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.max_mentions) { const match = this.matchTextSpamTrigger(RecentActionType.Mention, trigger.max_mentions, msg); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.max_links) { const match = this.matchTextSpamTrigger(RecentActionType.Link, trigger.max_links, msg); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.max_attachments) { const match = this.matchTextSpamTrigger(RecentActionType.Attachment, trigger.max_attachments, msg); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.max_emojis) { const match = this.matchTextSpamTrigger(RecentActionType.Emoji, trigger.max_emojis, msg); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.max_lines) { const match = this.matchTextSpamTrigger(RecentActionType.Line, trigger.max_lines, msg); if (match) return match; } if (trigger.max_characters) { const match = this.matchTextSpamTrigger(RecentActionType.Character, trigger.max_characters, msg); if (match) return match; } } return null; } /** * Logs recent actions for spam detection purposes */ protected async logRecentActionsForMessage(msg: Message) { const timestamp = msg.timestamp; const globalIdentifier =; const perChannelIdentifier = `${}-${}`; const messageInfo: MessageInfo = { channelId:, messageId: }; this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Message, identifier: globalIdentifier, timestamp, count: 1, messageInfo, }); this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Message, identifier: perChannelIdentifier, timestamp, count: 1, messageInfo, }); const mentionCount = getUserMentions(msg.content || "").length + getRoleMentions(msg.content || "").length; if (mentionCount) { this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Mention, identifier: globalIdentifier, timestamp, count: mentionCount, messageInfo, }); this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Mention, identifier: perChannelIdentifier, timestamp, count: mentionCount, messageInfo, }); } const linkCount = getUrlsInString(msg.content || "").length; if (linkCount) { this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Link, identifier: globalIdentifier, timestamp, count: linkCount, messageInfo, }); this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Link, identifier: perChannelIdentifier, timestamp, count: linkCount, messageInfo, }); } const attachmentCount = msg.attachments.length; if (attachmentCount) { this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Attachment, identifier: globalIdentifier, timestamp, count: attachmentCount, messageInfo, }); this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Attachment, identifier: perChannelIdentifier, timestamp, count: attachmentCount, messageInfo, }); } const emojiCount = getEmojiInString(msg.content || "").length; if (emojiCount) { this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Emoji, identifier: globalIdentifier, timestamp, count: emojiCount, messageInfo, }); this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Emoji, identifier: perChannelIdentifier, timestamp, count: emojiCount, messageInfo, }); } // + 1 is for the first line of the message (which doesn't have a line break) const lineCount = msg.content ? msg.content.match(/\n/g).length + 1 : 0; if (lineCount) { this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Line, identifier: globalIdentifier, timestamp, count: lineCount, messageInfo, }); this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Line, identifier: perChannelIdentifier, timestamp, count: lineCount, messageInfo, }); } const characterCount = [...(msg.content || "")].length; if (characterCount) { this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Character, identifier: globalIdentifier, timestamp, count: characterCount, messageInfo, }); this.recentActions.push({ type: RecentActionType.Character, identifier: perChannelIdentifier, timestamp, count: characterCount, messageInfo, }); } } protected getMatchingRecentActions(type: RecentActionType, identifier: string, since: number) { return this.recentActions.filter(action => { return action.type === type && action.identifier === identifier && action.timestamp >= since; }); } protected async applyActionsOnMatch(rule: TRule, matchResult: AnyTriggerMatchResult) { if (rule.actions.clean) { if (matchResult.type === "message" || matchResult.type === "embed") { await, matchResult.messageInfo.messageId).catch(noop); } else if (matchResult.type === "textspam" || matchResult.type === "raidspam") { for (const { channelId, messageId } of matchResult.messageInfos) { await, messageId).catch(noop); } } } if (rule.actions.warn) { const reason = rule.actions.mute.reason || "Warned automatically"; const caseArgs = { modId:, extraNotes: [`Matched automod rule "${}"`], }; if (matchResult.type === "message" || matchResult.type === "embed" || matchResult.type === "textspam") { const member = await this.getMember(matchResult.userId); if (member) { await this.modActions.warnMember(member, reason, caseArgs); } } else if (matchResult.type === "raidspam") { for (const userId of matchResult.userIds) { const member = await this.getMember(userId); if (member) { await this.modActions.warnMember(member, reason, caseArgs); } } } } if (rule.actions.mute) { const duration = rule.actions.mute.duration ? convertDelayStringToMS(rule.actions.mute.duration) : null; const reason = rule.actions.mute.reason || "Muted automatically"; const caseArgs = { modId:, extraNotes: [`Matched automod rule "${}"`], }; if (matchResult.type === "message" || matchResult.type === "embed" || matchResult.type === "textspam") { await this.mutes.muteUser(matchResult.userId, duration, reason, caseArgs); } else if (matchResult.type === "raidspam") { for (const userId of matchResult.userIds) { await this.mutes.muteUser(userId, duration, reason, caseArgs); } } } if (rule.actions.kick) { const reason = rule.actions.kick.reason || "Kicked automatically"; const caseArgs = { modId:, extraNotes: [`Matched automod rule "${}"`], }; if (matchResult.type === "message" || matchResult.type === "embed" || matchResult.type === "textspam") { const member = await this.getMember(matchResult.userId); if (member) { await this.modActions.kickMember(member, reason, caseArgs); } } else if (matchResult.type === "raidspam") { for (const userId of matchResult.userIds) { const member = await this.getMember(userId); if (member) { await this.modActions.kickMember(member, reason, caseArgs); } } } } if (rule.actions.ban) { const reason = rule.actions.ban.reason || "Banned automatically"; const caseArgs = { modId:, extraNotes: [`Matched automod rule "${}"`], }; if (matchResult.type === "message" || matchResult.type === "embed" || matchResult.type === "textspam") { await this.modActions.banUserId(matchResult.userId, reason, caseArgs); } else if (matchResult.type === "raidspam") { for (const userId of matchResult.userIds) { await this.modActions.banUserId(userId, reason, caseArgs); } } } // TODO: Alert action (and AUTOMOD_ALERT log type) } @d.event("messageCreate") protected onMessageCreate(msg: Message) { this.automodQueue.add(async () => { if (this.unloaded) return; await this.logRecentActionsForMessage(msg); const config = this.getMatchingConfig({ message: msg }); for (const [name, rule] of Object.entries(config.rules)) { const matchResult = await this.matchRuleToMessage(rule, msg); if (matchResult) { await this.applyActionsOnMatch(rule, matchResult); } } }); } }