import { PluginData } from "knub"; import { BanOptions, BanResult, IgnoredEventType, ModActionsPluginType } from "../types"; import { notifyUser, resolveUser, stripObjectToScalars, ucfirst, UserNotificationResult } from "../../../utils"; import { User } from "eris"; import { renderTemplate } from "../../../templateFormatter"; import { getDefaultContactMethods } from "./getDefaultContactMethods"; import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType"; import { ignoreEvent } from "./ignoreEvent"; import { CasesPlugin } from "../../Cases/CasesPlugin"; import { CaseTypes } from "../../../data/CaseTypes"; /** * Ban the specified user id, whether or not they're actually on the server at the time. Generates a case. */ export async function banUserId( pluginData: PluginData, userId: string, reason: string = null, banOptions: BanOptions = {}, ): Promise { const config = pluginData.config.get(); const user = await resolveUser(pluginData.client, userId); // Attempt to message the user *before* banning them, as doing it after may not be possible let notifyResult: UserNotificationResult = { method: null, success: true }; if (reason && user instanceof User) { const banMessage = await renderTemplate(config.ban_message, { guildName:, reason, }); const contactMethods = banOptions?.contactMethods ? banOptions.contactMethods : getDefaultContactMethods(pluginData, "ban"); notifyResult = await notifyUser(user, banMessage, contactMethods); } // (Try to) ban the user pluginData.state.serverLogs.ignoreLog(LogType.MEMBER_BAN, userId); ignoreEvent(pluginData, IgnoredEventType.Ban, userId); try { const deleteMessageDays = Math.min(30, Math.max(0, banOptions.deleteMessageDays ?? 1)); await pluginData.guild.banMember(userId, deleteMessageDays); } catch (e) { return { status: "failed", error: e.message, }; } // Create a case for this action const casesPlugin = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin); const createdCase = await casesPlugin.createCase({ ...(banOptions.caseArgs || {}), userId, modId: banOptions.caseArgs?.modId, type: CaseTypes.Ban, reason, noteDetails: notifyResult.text ? [ucfirst(notifyResult.text)] : [], }); // Log the action const mod = await resolveUser(pluginData.client, banOptions.caseArgs?.modId); pluginData.state.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_BAN, { mod: stripObjectToScalars(mod), user: stripObjectToScalars(user), reason, }); return { status: "success", case: createdCase, notifyResult, }; }