import http, { ServerResponse } from "http"; import { GlobalPlugin, IPluginOptions, logger } from "knub"; import { GuildArchives } from "../data/GuildArchives"; import { sleep } from "../utils"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; const DEFAULT_PORT = 9920; const archivesRegex = /^\/(spam-logs|archives)\/([a-z0-9\-]+)\/?$/i; function notFound(res: ServerResponse) { res.statusCode = 404; res.end("Not Found"); } interface ILogServerPluginConfig { port: number; } export class LogServerPlugin extends GlobalPlugin { public static pluginName = "log_server"; protected archives: GuildArchives; protected server: http.Server; protected getDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { port: DEFAULT_PORT, }, }; } async onLoad() { this.archives = new GuildArchives(null); this.server = http.createServer(async (req, res) => { const pathMatch = req.url.match(archivesRegex); if (!pathMatch) return notFound(res); const logId = pathMatch[2]; if (pathMatch[1] === "spam-logs") { res.statusCode = 301; res.setHeader("Location", `/archives/${logId}`); return; } if (pathMatch) { const log = await this.archives.find(logId); if (!log) return notFound(res); let body = log.body; // Add some metadata at the end of the log file (but only if it doesn't already have it directly in the body) if (log.body.indexOf("Log file generated on") === -1) { const createdAt = moment(log.created_at).format("YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm:ss [(+00:00)]"); body += `\n\nLog file generated on ${createdAt}`; if (log.expires_at !== null) { const expiresAt = moment(log.expires_at).format("YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm:ss [(+00:00)]"); body += `\nExpires at ${expiresAt}`; } } res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); res.end(body); } }); const port = this.getConfig().port; let retried = false; this.server.on("error", async (err: any) => { if (err.code === "EADDRINUSE" && !retried) {"Got EADDRINUSE, retrying in 2 sec..."); retried = true; await sleep(2000); this.server.listen(port); } else { throw err; } }); this.server.listen(port); } async onUnload() { return new Promise(resolve => { this.server.close(() => resolve()); }); } }