import { autoReactionsEvt } from "../types"; import { isDiscordRESTError } from "../../../utils"; import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType"; import { LogsPlugin } from "../../Logs/LogsPlugin"; import { getMissingChannelPermissions } from "../../../utils/getMissingChannelPermissions"; import { readChannelPermissions } from "../../../utils/readChannelPermissions"; import { missingPermissionError } from "../../../utils/missingPermissionError"; import { GuildChannel, Permissions } from "discord.js"; const p = Permissions.FLAGS; export const AddReactionsEvt = autoReactionsEvt({ event: "message", allowBots: true, allowSelf: true, async listener({ pluginData, args: { message } }) { const autoReaction = await pluginData.state.autoReactions.getForChannel(; if (!autoReaction) return; const me = pluginData.guild.members.cache.get(pluginData.client.user!.id)!; const missingPermissions = getMissingChannelPermissions( me, as GuildChannel, readChannelPermissions | p.ADD_REACTIONS, ); if (missingPermissions) { const logs = pluginData.getPlugin(LogsPlugin); logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Cannot apply auto-reactions in <#${}>. ${missingPermissionError(missingPermissions)}`, }); return; } for (const reaction of autoReaction.reactions) { try { await message.react(reaction); } catch (e) { if (isDiscordRESTError(e)) { const logs = pluginData.getPlugin(LogsPlugin); if (e.code === 10008) { logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Could not apply auto-reactions in <#${}> for message \`${}\`. Make sure nothing is deleting the message before the reactions are applied.`, }); } else { logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Could not apply auto-reactions in <#${}> for message \`${}\`. Error code ${e.code}.`, }); } break; } else { throw e; } } } }, });