import { zeppelinGuildPlugin } from "../ZeppelinPluginBlueprint"; import { ConfigSchema, CountersPluginType, TTrigger } from "./types"; import { GuildCounters } from "../../data/GuildCounters"; import { mapToPublicFn } from "../../pluginUtils"; import { changeCounterValue } from "./functions/changeCounterValue"; import { setCounterValue } from "./functions/setCounterValue"; import { convertDelayStringToMS, MINUTES, SECONDS } from "../../utils"; import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import { onCounterEvent } from "./functions/onCounterEvent"; import { offCounterEvent } from "./functions/offCounterEvent"; import { emitCounterEvent } from "./functions/emitCounterEvent"; import { ConfigPreprocessorFn } from "knub/dist/config/configTypes"; import { decayCounter } from "./functions/decayCounter"; import { StrictValidationError } from "../../validatorUtils"; import { PluginOptions } from "knub"; import { ViewCounterCmd } from "./commands/ViewCounterCmd"; import { AddCounterCmd } from "./commands/AddCounterCmd"; import { SetCounterCmd } from "./commands/SetCounterCmd"; import { buildCounterConditionString, CounterTrigger, getReverseCounterComparisonOp, parseCounterConditionString, } from "../../data/entities/CounterTrigger"; import { getPrettyNameForCounter } from "./functions/getPrettyNameForCounter"; import { getPrettyNameForCounterTrigger } from "./functions/getPrettyNameForCounterTrigger"; const MAX_COUNTERS = 5; const MAX_TRIGGERS_PER_COUNTER = 5; const DECAY_APPLY_INTERVAL = 5 * MINUTES; const defaultOptions: PluginOptions = { config: { counters: {}, can_view: false, can_edit: false, }, overrides: [ { level: ">=50", config: { can_view: true, }, }, { level: ">=100", config: { can_edit: true, }, }, ], }; const configPreprocessor: ConfigPreprocessorFn = options => { for (const [counterName, counter] of Object.entries(options.config?.counters || {})) { = counterName; counter.per_user = counter.per_user ?? false; counter.per_channel = counter.per_channel ?? false; counter.initial_value = counter.initial_value ?? 0; counter.triggers = counter.triggers || []; if (Object.values(counter.triggers).length > MAX_TRIGGERS_PER_COUNTER) { throw new StrictValidationError([`You can only have at most ${MAX_TRIGGERS_PER_COUNTER} triggers per counter`]); } // Normalize triggers for (const [triggerName, trigger] of Object.entries(counter.triggers)) { const triggerObj: Partial = typeof trigger === "string" ? { condition: trigger } : trigger; = triggerName; const parsedCondition = parseCounterConditionString(triggerObj.condition || ""); if (!parsedCondition) { throw new StrictValidationError([ `Invalid comparison in counter trigger ${counterName}/${triggerName}: "${triggerObj.condition}"`, ]); } triggerObj.condition = buildCounterConditionString(parsedCondition[0], parsedCondition[1]); triggerObj.reverse_condition = triggerObj.reverse_condition || buildCounterConditionString(getReverseCounterComparisonOp(parsedCondition[0]), parsedCondition[1]); counter.triggers[triggerName] = triggerObj as TTrigger; } } if (Object.values(options.config?.counters || {}).length > MAX_COUNTERS) { throw new StrictValidationError([`You can only have at most ${MAX_COUNTERS} counters`]); } return options; }; /** * The Counters plugin keeps track of simple integer values that are tied to a user, channel, both, or neither — "counters". * These values can be changed using the functions in the plugin's public interface. * These values can also be set to automatically decay over time. * * Triggers can be registered that check for a specific condition, e.g. "when this counter is over 100". * Triggers are checked against every time a counter's value changes, and will emit an event when triggered. * A single trigger can only trigger once per user/channel/in general, depending on how specific the counter is (e.g. a per-user trigger can only trigger once per user). * After being triggered, a trigger is "reset" if the counter value no longer matches the trigger (e.g. drops to 100 or below in the above example). After this, that trigger can be triggered again. */ export const CountersPlugin = zeppelinGuildPlugin()("counters", { configSchema: ConfigSchema, defaultOptions, configPreprocessor, public: { // Change a counter's value by a relative amount, e.g. +5 changeCounterValue: mapToPublicFn(changeCounterValue), // Set a counter's value to an absolute value setCounterValue: mapToPublicFn(setCounterValue), getPrettyNameForCounter: mapToPublicFn(getPrettyNameForCounter), getPrettyNameForCounterTrigger: mapToPublicFn(getPrettyNameForCounterTrigger), onCounterEvent: mapToPublicFn(onCounterEvent), offCounterEvent: mapToPublicFn(offCounterEvent), }, // prettier-ignore commands: [ ViewCounterCmd, AddCounterCmd, SetCounterCmd, ], async onLoad(pluginData) { pluginData.state.counters = new GuildCounters(; = new EventEmitter(); pluginData.state.counterTriggersByCounterId = new Map(); const activeTriggerIds: number[] = []; // Initialize and store the IDs of each of the counters internally pluginData.state.counterIds = {}; const config = pluginData.config.get(); for (const counter of Object.values(config.counters)) { const dbCounter = await pluginData.state.counters.findOrCreateCounter(, counter.per_channel, counter.per_user, ); pluginData.state.counterIds[] =; const thisCounterTriggers: CounterTrigger[] = []; pluginData.state.counterTriggersByCounterId.set(, thisCounterTriggers); // Initialize triggers for (const trigger of Object.values(counter.triggers)) { const theTrigger = trigger as TTrigger; const parsedCondition = parseCounterConditionString(theTrigger.condition)!; const parsedReverseCondition = parseCounterConditionString(theTrigger.reverse_condition)!; const counterTrigger = await pluginData.state.counters.initCounterTrigger(,, parsedCondition[0], parsedCondition[1], parsedReverseCondition[0], parsedReverseCondition[1], ); activeTriggerIds.push(; thisCounterTriggers.push(counterTrigger); } } // Mark old/unused counters to be deleted later await pluginData.state.counters.markUnusedCountersToBeDeleted([...Object.values(pluginData.state.counterIds)]); // Mark old/unused triggers to be deleted later await pluginData.state.counters.markUnusedTriggersToBeDeleted(activeTriggerIds); // Start decay timers pluginData.state.decayTimers = []; for (const [counterName, counter] of Object.entries(config.counters)) { if (!counter.decay) { continue; } const decay = counter.decay; const decayPeriodMs = convertDelayStringToMS(decay.every)!; pluginData.state.decayTimers.push( setInterval(() => { decayCounter(pluginData, counterName, decayPeriodMs, decay.amount); }, DECAY_APPLY_INTERVAL), ); } }, onUnload(pluginData) { for (const interval of pluginData.state.decayTimers) { clearInterval(interval); }; }, });