import { decorators as d, getCommandSignature, ICommandContext, ICommandExtraData, IPluginOptions, waitForReaction, } from "knub"; import { CategoryChannel, Channel, EmbedOptions, GuildChannel, Member, Message, MessageContent, Role, TextChannel, User, VoiceChannel, } from "eris"; import { channelMentionRegex, chunkArray, createChunkedMessage, DAYS, embedPadding, errorMessage, formatNumber, get, getInviteCodesInString, isSnowflake, messageLink, MINUTES, multiSorter, noop, resolveMember, SECONDS, simpleClosestStringMatch, sleep, sorter, stripObjectToScalars, successMessage, trimLines, UnknownUser, downloadFile, memoize, } from "../utils"; import { GuildLogs } from "../data/GuildLogs"; import { LogType } from "../data/LogType"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration"; import { GuildCases } from "../data/GuildCases"; import { CaseTypes } from "../data/CaseTypes"; import { SavedMessage } from "../data/entities/SavedMessage"; import { GuildSavedMessages } from "../data/GuildSavedMessages"; import { GuildArchives } from "../data/GuildArchives"; import { CommandInfo, trimPluginDescription, ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import { getCurrentUptime } from "../uptime"; import LCL from "last-commit-log"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import { ICommandDefinition } from "knub-command-manager"; import path from "path"; import escapeStringRegexp from "escape-string-regexp"; import safeRegex from "safe-regex"; import fs from "fs"; import sharp from "sharp"; import twemoji from "twemoji"; declare global { // This is here so TypeScript doesn't give an error when importing twemoji // since one of the signatures of twemoji.parse() takes an HTMLElement but // we're not in a browser environment so including the DOM lib would not make // sense type HTMLElement = unknown; } import { Url, URL, URLSearchParams } from "url"; import { Supporters } from "../data/Supporters"; const ConfigSchema = t.type({ can_roles: t.boolean, can_level: t.boolean, can_search: t.boolean, can_clean: t.boolean, can_info: t.boolean, can_server: t.boolean, can_reload_guild: t.boolean, can_nickname: t.boolean, can_ping: t.boolean, can_source: t.boolean, can_vcmove: t.boolean, can_help: t.boolean, can_about: t.boolean, can_context: t.boolean, can_jumbo: t.boolean, jumbo_size: t.Integer, can_avatar: t.boolean, }); type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf; const { performance } = require("perf_hooks"); const SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 15; const SEARCH_ID_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 50; const MAX_CLEAN_COUNT = 150; const MAX_CLEAN_TIME = 1 * DAYS; const CLEAN_COMMAND_DELETE_DELAY = 5 * SECONDS; const MEMBER_REFRESH_FREQUENCY = 10 * MINUTES; // How often to do a full member refresh when using commands that need it const SEARCH_EXPORT_LIMIT = 1_000_000; const activeReloads: Map = new Map(); const fsp = fs.promises; const CDN_URL = ""; type MemberSearchParams = { query?: string; role?: string; voice?: boolean; bot?: boolean; sort?: string; "case-sensitive"?: boolean; regex?: boolean; "status-search"?: boolean; }; type BanSearchParams = { query?: string; sort?: string; "case-sensitive"?: boolean; regex?: boolean; }; enum SearchType { MemberSearch, BanSearch, } class SearchError extends Error {} export class UtilityPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "utility"; public static configSchema = ConfigSchema; public static pluginInfo = { prettyName: "Utility", }; protected logs: GuildLogs; protected cases: GuildCases; protected savedMessages: GuildSavedMessages; protected archives: GuildArchives; protected supporters: Supporters; protected lastFullMemberRefresh = 0; protected fullMemberRefreshPromise; protected lastReload; public static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { can_roles: false, can_level: false, can_search: false, can_clean: false, can_info: false, can_server: false, can_reload_guild: false, can_nickname: false, can_ping: false, can_source: false, can_vcmove: false, can_help: false, can_about: false, can_context: false, can_jumbo: false, jumbo_size: 128, can_avatar: false, }, overrides: [ { level: ">=50", config: { can_roles: true, can_level: true, can_search: true, can_clean: true, can_info: true, can_server: true, can_nickname: true, can_vcmove: true, can_help: true, can_context: true, can_jumbo: true, can_avatar: true, }, }, { level: ">=100", config: { can_reload_guild: true, can_ping: true, can_source: true, can_about: true, }, }, ], }; } onLoad() { this.logs = new GuildLogs(this.guildId); this.cases = GuildCases.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.savedMessages = GuildSavedMessages.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.archives = GuildArchives.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.supporters = new Supporters(); this.lastReload =; if (activeReloads && activeReloads.has(this.guildId)) { this.sendSuccessMessage(activeReloads.get(this.guildId), "Reloaded!"); activeReloads.delete(this.guildId); } } protected async refreshMembersIfNeeded() { if ( < this.lastFullMemberRefresh + MEMBER_REFRESH_FREQUENCY) { return this.fullMemberRefreshPromise; } this.lastFullMemberRefresh =; this.fullMemberRefreshPromise = this.guild.fetchAllMembers(); return this.fullMemberRefreshPromise; } @d.command("roles", "[search:string$]", { options: [ { name: "counts", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "sort", type: "string", }, ], extra: { info: { description: "List all roles or roles matching a search", basicUsage: "!roles mod", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_roles") async rolesCmd(msg: Message, args: { search?: string; counts?: boolean; sort?: string }) { let roles: Array<{ _memberCount?: number } & Role> = Array.from(( as TextChannel).guild.roles.values()); let sort = args.sort; if ( { const searchStr =; roles = roles.filter(r => || === searchStr); } if (args.counts) { this.refreshMembersIfNeeded(); // If the user requested role member counts as well, calculate them and sort the roles by their member count const roleCounts: Map = Array.from(this.guild.members.values()).reduce((map, member) => { for (const roleId of member.roles) { if (!map.has(roleId)) map.set(roleId, 0); map.set(roleId, map.get(roleId) + 1); } return map; }, new Map()); // The "everyone" role always has all members in it roleCounts.set(this.guildId, this.guild.memberCount); for (const role of roles) { role._memberCount = roleCounts.has( ? roleCounts.get( : 0; } if (!sort) sort = "-memberCount"; roles.sort((a, b) => { if (a._memberCount > b._memberCount) return -1; if (a._memberCount < b._memberCount) return 1; return 0; }); } else { // Otherwise sort by name roles.sort((a, b) => { if ( > return 1; if ( < return -1; return 0; }); } if (!sort) sort = "name"; let sortDir: "ASC" | "DESC" = "ASC"; if (sort && sort[0] === "-") { sort = sort.slice(1); sortDir = "DESC"; } if (sort === "position" || sort === "order") { roles.sort(sorter("position", sortDir)); } else if (sort === "memberCount" && args.counts) { roles.sort(sorter("_memberCount", sortDir)); } else if (sort === "name") { roles.sort(sorter(r =>, sortDir)); } else { this.sendErrorMessage(, "Unknown sorting method"); return; } const longestId = roles.reduce((longest, role) => Math.max(longest,, 0); const chunks = chunkArray(roles, 20); for (const [i, chunk] of chunks.entries()) { const roleLines = => { const paddedId =, " "); let line = `${paddedId} ${}`; if (role._memberCount != null) { line += role._memberCount === 1 ? ` (${role._memberCount} member)` : ` (${role._memberCount} members)`; } return line; }); if (i === 0) { trimLines(` ${ ? "Total roles found" : "Total roles"}: ${roles.length} \`\`\`py\n${roleLines.join("\n")}\`\`\` `), ); } else {"```py\n" + roleLines.join("\n") + "```"); } } } @d.command("level", "[member:resolvedMember]", { extra: { info: { description: "Show the permission level of a user", basicUsage: "!level 106391128718245888", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_level") async levelCmd(msg: Message, args: { member?: Member }) { const member = args.member || msg.member; const level = this.getMemberLevel(member);`The permission level of ${member.username}#${member.discriminator} is **${level}**`); } protected async performBanSearch( args: BanSearchParams, page = 1, perPage = SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, ): Promise<{ results: User[]; totalResults: number; page: number; lastPage: number; from: number; to: number }> { let matchingBans = (await this.guild.getBans()).map(x => x.user); if (args.query) { let queryRegex: RegExp; if (args.regex) { queryRegex = new RegExp(args.query.trimStart(), args["case-sensitive"] ? "" : "i"); } else { queryRegex = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(args.query.trimStart()), args["case-sensitive"] ? "" : "i"); } if (!safeRegex(queryRegex)) { throw new SearchError("Unsafe/too complex regex (star depth is limited to 1)"); } matchingBans = matchingBans.filter(user => { const fullUsername = `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`; if (fullUsername.match(queryRegex)) return true; }); } const [, sortDir, sortBy] = args.sort ? args.sort.match(/^(-?)(.*)$/) : [null, "ASC", "name"]; const realSortDir = sortDir === "-" ? "DESC" : "ASC"; if (sortBy === "id") { matchingBans.sort(sorter(m => BigInt(, realSortDir)); } else { matchingBans.sort( multiSorter([ [m => m.username.toLowerCase(), realSortDir], [m => m.discriminator, realSortDir], ]), ); } const lastPage = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(matchingBans.length / perPage)); page = Math.min(lastPage, Math.max(1, page)); const from = (page - 1) * perPage; const to = Math.min(from + perPage, matchingBans.length); const pageMembers = matchingBans.slice(from, to); return { results: pageMembers, totalResults: matchingBans.length, page, lastPage, from: from + 1, to, }; } protected async performMemberSearch( args: MemberSearchParams, page = 1, perPage = SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, ): Promise<{ results: Member[]; totalResults: number; page: number; lastPage: number; from: number; to: number }> { this.refreshMembersIfNeeded(); let matchingMembers = Array.from(this.guild.members.values()); if (args.role) { const roleIds = args.role.split(","); matchingMembers = matchingMembers.filter(member => { for (const role of roleIds) { if (!member.roles.includes(role)) return false; } return true; }); } if (args.voice) { matchingMembers = matchingMembers.filter(m => m.voiceState.channelID != null); } if ( { matchingMembers = matchingMembers.filter(m =>; } if (args.query) { let queryRegex: RegExp; if (args.regex) { queryRegex = new RegExp(args.query.trimStart(), args["case-sensitive"] ? "" : "i"); } else { queryRegex = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(args.query.trimStart()), args["case-sensitive"] ? "" : "i"); } if (!safeRegex(queryRegex)) { throw new SearchError("Unsafe/too complex regex (star depth is limited to 1)"); } if (args["status-search"]) { matchingMembers = matchingMembers.filter(member => { if ( { if ( && { return true; } if ( && { return true; } if ( && { return true; } if ( { if ( && { return true; } if ( && { return true; } } if ( && { return true; } } return false; }); } else { matchingMembers = matchingMembers.filter(member => { if (member.nick && member.nick.match(queryRegex)) return true; const fullUsername = `${member.user.username}#${member.user.discriminator}`; if (fullUsername.match(queryRegex)) return true; return false; }); } } const [, sortDir, sortBy] = args.sort ? args.sort.match(/^(-?)(.*)$/) : [null, "ASC", "name"]; const realSortDir = sortDir === "-" ? "DESC" : "ASC"; if (sortBy === "id") { matchingMembers.sort(sorter(m => BigInt(, realSortDir)); } else { matchingMembers.sort( multiSorter([ [m => m.username.toLowerCase(), realSortDir], [m => m.discriminator, realSortDir], ]), ); } const lastPage = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(matchingMembers.length / perPage)); page = Math.min(lastPage, Math.max(1, page)); const from = (page - 1) * perPage; const to = Math.min(from + perPage, matchingMembers.length); const pageMembers = matchingMembers.slice(from, to); return { results: pageMembers, totalResults: matchingMembers.length, page, lastPage, from: from + 1, to, }; } protected formatSearchResultList(members: Array): string { const longestId = members.reduce((longest, member) => Math.max(longest,, 0); const lines = => { const paddedId =, " "); let line; if (member instanceof Member) { line = `${paddedId} ${member.user.username}#${member.user.discriminator}`; if (member.nick) line += ` (${member.nick})`; } else { line = `${paddedId} ${member.username}#${member.discriminator}`; } return line; }); return lines.join("\n"); } protected formatSearchResultIdList(members: Array): string { return =>" "); } @d.command("search", "[query:string$]", { aliases: ["s"], options: [ { name: "page", shortcut: "p", type: "number", }, { name: "role", shortcut: "r", type: "string", }, { name: "voice", shortcut: "v", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "bot", shortcut: "b", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "sort", type: "string", }, { name: "case-sensitive", shortcut: "cs", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "export", shortcut: "e", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "ids", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "regex", shortcut: "re", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "status-search", shortcut: "ss", isSwitch: true, }, ], extra: { info: { description: "Search server members", basicUsage: "!search dragory", optionDescriptions: { role: "Only include members with a specific role. Multiple roles can be specified by separating them with a comma.", voice: "Only include members currently in a voice channel", sort: "Change how the results are sorted. Possible values are 'id' and 'name'. Prefix with a dash, e.g. '-id', to reverse sorting.", "case-sensitive": "By default, the search is case-insensitive. Use this to make it case-sensitive instead.", export: "If set, the full search results are exported as an archive", }, }, }, }) @d.permission("can_search") async searchCmd( msg: Message, args: { query?: string; page?: number; role?: string; voice?: boolean; bot?: boolean; sort?: string; "case-sensitive"?: boolean; export?: boolean; ids?: boolean; regex?: boolean; "status-search"?: boolean; }, ) { // If we're exporting the results, we don't need all the fancy schmancy pagination stuff. // Just get the results and dump them in an archive. if (args.export) { return this.archiveSearch(args, SearchType.MemberSearch, msg); } else { return this.displaySearch(args, SearchType.MemberSearch, msg); } } @d.command("bansearch", "[query:string$]", { aliases: ["bs"], options: [ { name: "page", shortcut: "p", type: "number", }, { name: "sort", type: "string", }, { name: "case-sensitive", shortcut: "cs", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "export", shortcut: "e", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "ids", isSwitch: true, }, { name: "regex", shortcut: "re", isSwitch: true, }, ], extra: { info: { description: "Search banned users", basicUsage: "!bansearch dragory", optionDescriptions: { sort: "Change how the results are sorted. Possible values are 'id' and 'name'. Prefix with a dash, e.g. '-id', to reverse sorting.", "case-sensitive": "By default, the search is case-insensitive. Use this to make it case-sensitive instead.", export: "If set, the full search results are exported as an archive", }, }, }, }) @d.permission("can_search") async banSearchCmd( msg: Message, args: { query?: string; page?: number; sort?: string; "case-sensitive"?: boolean; export?: boolean; ids?: boolean; regex?: boolean; }, ) { if (args.export) { return this.archiveSearch(args, SearchType.BanSearch, msg); } else { return this.displaySearch(args, SearchType.BanSearch, msg); } } async cleanMessages(channel: Channel, savedMessages: SavedMessage[], mod: User) { this.logs.ignoreLog(LogType.MESSAGE_DELETE, savedMessages[0].id); this.logs.ignoreLog(LogType.MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK, savedMessages[0].id); // Delete & archive in ID order savedMessages = Array.from(savedMessages).sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : -1)); const idsToDelete = =>; // Make sure the deletions aren't double logged idsToDelete.forEach(id => this.logs.ignoreLog(LogType.MESSAGE_DELETE, id)); this.logs.ignoreLog(LogType.MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK, idsToDelete[0]); // Actually delete the messages await, idsToDelete); await this.savedMessages.markBulkAsDeleted(idsToDelete); // Create an archive const archiveId = await this.archives.createFromSavedMessages(savedMessages, this.guild); const archiveUrl = this.archives.getUrl(this.knub.getGlobalConfig().url, archiveId); this.logs.log(LogType.CLEAN, { mod: stripObjectToScalars(mod), channel: stripObjectToScalars(channel), count: savedMessages.length, archiveUrl, }); return { archiveUrl }; } async archiveSearch(args: any, searchType: SearchType, msg: Message) { let results; try { switch (searchType) { case SearchType.MemberSearch: results = await this.performMemberSearch(args, 1, SEARCH_EXPORT_LIMIT); break; case SearchType.BanSearch: results = await this.performBanSearch(args, 1, SEARCH_EXPORT_LIMIT); break; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof SearchError) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, e.message); } throw e; } if (results.totalResults === 0) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "No results found"); } const resultList = args.ids ? this.formatSearchResultIdList(results.results) : this.formatSearchResultList(results.results); const archiveId = await this.archives.create( trimLines(` Search results (total ${results.totalResults}): ${resultList} `), moment().add(1, "hour"), ); const url = await this.archives.getUrl(this.knub.getGlobalConfig().url, archiveId);`Exported search results: ${url}`); return; } async displaySearch(args: any, searchType: SearchType, msg: Message) { // If we're not exporting, load 1 page of search results at a time and allow the user to switch pages with reactions let originalSearchMsg: Message = null; let searching = false; let currentPage = || 1; let hasReactions = false; let clearReactionsFn = null; let clearReactionsTimeout = null; const perPage = args.ids ? SEARCH_ID_RESULTS_PER_PAGE : SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE; const loadSearchPage = async page => { if (searching) return; searching = true; // The initial message is created here, as well as edited to say "Searching..." on subsequent requests // We don't "await" this so we can start loading the search results immediately instead of after the message has been created/edited let searchMsgPromise: Promise; if (originalSearchMsg) { searchMsgPromise = originalSearchMsg.edit("Searching..."); } else { searchMsgPromise ="Searching..."); searchMsgPromise.then(m => (originalSearchMsg = m)); } let searchResult; try { switch (searchType) { case SearchType.MemberSearch: searchResult = await this.performMemberSearch(args, page, perPage); break; case SearchType.BanSearch: searchResult = await this.performBanSearch(args, page, perPage); break; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof SearchError) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, e.message); } throw e; } if (searchResult.totalResults === 0) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "No results found"); } const resultWord = searchResult.totalResults === 1 ? "matching member" : "matching members"; const headerText = searchResult.totalResults > perPage ? trimLines(` **Page ${}** (${searchResult.from}-${}) (total ${searchResult.totalResults}) `) : `Found ${searchResult.totalResults} ${resultWord}`; const resultList = args.ids ? this.formatSearchResultIdList(searchResult.results) : this.formatSearchResultList(searchResult.results); const result = trimLines(` ${headerText} \`\`\`js ${resultList} \`\`\` `); const searchMsg = await searchMsgPromise; searchMsg.edit(result); // Set up pagination reactions if needed. The reactions are cleared after a timeout. if (searchResult.totalResults > perPage) { if (!hasReactions) { hasReactions = true; searchMsg.addReaction("⬅"); searchMsg.addReaction("➡"); searchMsg.addReaction("🔄"); const removeListenerFn = this.on("messageReactionAdd", (rMsg: Message, emoji, userId) => { if ( !== return; if (userId !== return; if (!["⬅", "➡", "🔄"].includes( return; if ( === "⬅" && currentPage > 1) { loadSearchPage(currentPage - 1); } else if ( === "➡" && currentPage < searchResult.lastPage) { loadSearchPage(currentPage + 1); } else if ( === "🔄") { loadSearchPage(currentPage); } rMsg.removeReaction(, userId); }); clearReactionsFn = async () => { searchMsg.removeReactions().catch(noop); removeListenerFn(); }; } clearTimeout(clearReactionsTimeout); clearReactionsTimeout = setTimeout(clearReactionsFn, 5 * MINUTES); } currentPage =; searching = false; }; loadSearchPage(currentPage); } @d.command("clean", "", { options: [ { name: "user", type: "userId", shortcut: "u", }, { name: "channel", type: "channelId", shortcut: "c", }, { name: "bots", isSwitch: true, shortcut: "b", }, { name: "has-invites", isSwitch: true, shortcut: "i", }, ], extra: { info: { description: "Remove a number of recent messages", basicUsage: "!clean 20", examples: trimPluginDescription(` To clean 20 messages from a specific user: \`!clean -user 106391128718245888 20\` To clean messages from another channel: \`!clean -channel #other-channel 20\` `), parameterDescriptions: { count: "Number of messages to remove", }, optionDescriptions: { user: "Only remove messages from the specified user", channel: "By default, messages are removed from the channel where the command is used. You can clean a different channel by specifying it with this option.", bots: "Only remove messages sent by bots", "has-invites": "Only remove messages that contain invites", }, }, }, }) @d.permission("can_clean") async cleanCmd( msg: Message, args: { count: number; user?: string; channel?: string; bots?: boolean; "has-invites"?: boolean; fresh?: boolean; }, ) { if (args.count > MAX_CLEAN_COUNT || args.count <= 0) {`Clean count must be between 1 and ${MAX_CLEAN_COUNT}`)); return; } const targetChannel = ? this.guild.channels.get( :; if (!targetChannel || !(targetChannel instanceof TextChannel)) {`Invalid channel specified`)); return; } if ( !== { const configForTargetChannel = this.getConfigForMemberIdAndChannelId(,; if (configForTargetChannel.can_clean !== true) {`Missing permissions to use clean on that channel`)); return; } } const messagesToClean = []; let beforeId =; const timeCutoff = msg.timestamp - MAX_CLEAN_TIME; while (messagesToClean.length < args.count) { const potentialMessagesToClean = await this.savedMessages.getLatestByChannelBeforeId(, beforeId, args.count, ); if (potentialMessagesToClean.length === 0) break; const filtered = potentialMessagesToClean.filter(message => { if (args.user && message.user_id !== args.user) return false; if (args.bots && !message.is_bot) return false; if (args["has-invites"] && getInviteCodesInString( || "").length === 0) return false; if (moment.utc(message.posted_at).valueOf() < timeCutoff) return false; return true; }); const remaining = args.count - messagesToClean.length; const withoutOverflow = filtered.slice(0, remaining); messagesToClean.push(...withoutOverflow); beforeId = potentialMessagesToClean[potentialMessagesToClean.length - 1].id; if (moment.utc(potentialMessagesToClean[potentialMessagesToClean.length - 1].posted_at).valueOf() < timeCutoff) { break; } } let responseMsg: Message; if (messagesToClean.length > 0) { const cleanResult = await this.cleanMessages(targetChannel, messagesToClean,; let responseText = `Cleaned ${messagesToClean.length} ${messagesToClean.length === 1 ? "message" : "messages"}`; if ( !== { responseText += ` in <#${}>\n${cleanResult.archiveUrl}`; } responseMsg = await`<:zep_check:650361014180904971>`, responseText)); } else { responseMsg = await`Found no messages to clean!`)); } if ( === { // Delete the !clean command and the bot response if a different channel wasn't specified // (so as not to spam the cleaned channel with the command itself) setTimeout(() => { msg.delete().catch(noop); responseMsg.delete().catch(noop); }, CLEAN_COMMAND_DELETE_DELAY); } } @d.command("info", "[user:resolvedUserLoose]", { extra: { info: { description: "Show basic information about a user", basicUsage: "!info 106391128718245888", }, }, options: [ { name: "compact", shortcut: "c", isSwitch: true, }, ], }) @d.permission("can_info") async infoCmd(msg: Message, args: { user?: User | UnknownUser; compact?: boolean }) { const user = args.user ||; let member; if (!(user instanceof UnknownUser)) { member = await this.getMember(, true); } const embed: EmbedOptions = { fields: [], }; if (user && !(user instanceof UnknownUser)) { const createdAt = moment(user.createdAt); const accountAge = humanizeDuration(moment().valueOf() - user.createdAt, { largest: 2, round: true, }); embed.title = `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`; embed.thumbnail = { url: user.avatarURL }; if (args.compact) { embed.fields.push({ name: "User information", value: trimLines(` Profile: <@!${}> Created: **${accountAge} ago (${createdAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")})** `), }); if (member) { const joinedAt = moment(member.joinedAt); const joinAge = humanizeDuration(moment().valueOf() - member.joinedAt, { largest: 2, round: true, }); embed.fields[0].value += `\nJoined: **${joinAge} ago (${joinedAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")})**`; } else { embed.fields.push({ name: "!! USER IS NOT ON THE SERVER !!", value: embedPadding, }); }{ embed }); return; } else { embed.fields.push({ name: "User information", value: trimLines(` ID: **${}** Profile: <@!${}> Created: **${accountAge} ago (${createdAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")})** `) + embedPadding, }); } } else { embed.title = `Unknown user`; } if (member) { const joinedAt = moment(member.joinedAt); const joinAge = humanizeDuration(moment().valueOf() - member.joinedAt, { largest: 2, round: true, }); const roles = => this.guild.roles.get(id)).filter(r => !!r); embed.fields.push({ name: "Member information", value: trimLines(` Joined: **${joinAge} ago (${joinedAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")})** ${roles.length > 0 ? "Roles: " + =>", ") : ""} `) + embedPadding, }); const voiceChannel = member.voiceState.channelID ? this.guild.channels.get(member.voiceState.channelID) : null; if (voiceChannel || member.voiceState.mute || member.voiceState.deaf) { embed.fields.push({ name: "Voice information", value: trimLines(` ${voiceChannel ? `Current voice channel: **${voiceChannel ? : "None"}**` : ""} ${member.voiceState.mute ? "Server voice muted: **Yes**" : ""} ${member.voiceState.deaf ? "Server voice deafened: **Yes**" : ""} `) + embedPadding, }); } } else { embed.fields.push({ name: "!! USER IS NOT ON THE SERVER !!", value: embedPadding, }); } const cases = (await this.cases.getByUserId( => !c.is_hidden); if (cases.length > 0) { cases.sort((a, b) => { return a.created_at < b.created_at ? 1 : -1; }); const caseSummary = cases.slice(0, 3).map(c => { return `${CaseTypes[c.type]} (#${c.case_number})`; }); const summaryText = cases.length > 3 ? "Last 3 cases" : "Summary"; embed.fields.push({ name: "Cases", value: trimLines(` Total cases: **${cases.length}** ${summaryText}: ${caseSummary.join(", ")} `), }); }{ embed }); } @d.command("nickname reset", "", { aliases: ["nick reset"], extra: { info: { description: "Reset a member's nickname to their username", basicUsage: "!nickname reset 106391128718245888", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_nickname") async nicknameResetCmd(msg: Message, args: { member: Member }) { if ( !== && !this.canActOn(msg.member, args.member)) {"Cannot reset nickname: insufficient permissions")); return; } try { await args.member.edit({ nick: "", }); } catch (e) {"Failed to reset nickname")); return; } this.sendSuccessMessage(, `The nickname of <@!${}> has been reset`); } @d.command("nickname", " ", { aliases: ["nick"], extra: { info: { description: "Set a member's nickname", basicUsage: "!nickname 106391128718245888 Drag", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_nickname") async nicknameCmd(msg: Message, args: { member: Member; nickname: string }) { if ( !== && !this.canActOn(msg.member, args.member)) {"Cannot change nickname: insufficient permissions")); return; } const nicknameLength = [...args.nickname].length; if (nicknameLength < 2 || nicknameLength > 32) {"Nickname must be between 2 and 32 characters long")); return; } const oldNickname = args.member.nick || ""; try { await args.member.edit({ nick: args.nickname, }); } catch (e) {"Failed to change nickname")); return; } this.sendSuccessMessage(, `Changed nickname of <@!${}> from **${oldNickname}** to **${args.nickname}**`, ); } @d.command("server", "", { extra: { info: { description: "Show information about the server", basicUsage: "!server", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_server") async serverCmd(msg: Message) { const embed: EmbedOptions = { fields: [], color: parseInt("6b80cf", 16), }; embed.thumbnail = { url: this.guild.iconURL }; const createdAt = moment(this.guild.createdAt); const serverAge = humanizeDuration(moment().valueOf() - this.guild.createdAt, { largest: 2, round: true, }); const owner =; const ownerName = owner ? `${owner.username}#${owner.discriminator}` : "Unknown#0000"; embed.fields.push({ name: `Server information - ${}`, value: trimLines(` Created: **${serverAge} ago** (${createdAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")}) Owner: **${ownerName}** (${this.guild.ownerID}) Voice region: **${this.guild.region}** ${this.guild.features.length > 0 ? "Features: " + this.guild.features.join(", ") : ""} `) + embedPadding, }); const restGuild = await memoize( () =>, `getRESTGuild_${this.guildId}`, 10 * MINUTES, ); // For servers with a vanity URL, we can use the numbers from the invite for online count // (which is nowadays usually more accurate for large servers) const invite = this.guild.vanityURL ? await memoize( () =>, true), `getInvite_${this.guild.vanityURL}`, 10 * MINUTES, ) : null; const totalMembers = invite ? invite.memberCount : this.guild.memberCount; const onlineMemberCount = invite ? invite.presenceCount : this.guild.members.filter(m => m.status !== "offline").length; const offlineMemberCount = this.guild.memberCount - onlineMemberCount; let memberCountTotalLines = `Total: **${formatNumber(totalMembers)}**`; if (restGuild.maxMembers) { memberCountTotalLines += `\nMax: **${formatNumber(restGuild.maxMembers)}**`; } let memberCountOnlineLines = `Online: **${formatNumber(onlineMemberCount)}**`; if (restGuild.maxPresences) { memberCountOnlineLines += `\nMax online: **${formatNumber(restGuild.maxPresences)}**`; } embed.fields.push({ name: "Members", inline: true, value: trimLines(` ${memberCountTotalLines} ${memberCountOnlineLines} Offline: **${formatNumber(offlineMemberCount)}** `), }); const totalChannels = this.guild.channels.size; const categories = this.guild.channels.filter(channel => channel instanceof CategoryChannel); const textChannels = this.guild.channels.filter(channel => channel instanceof TextChannel); const voiceChannels = this.guild.channels.filter(channel => channel instanceof VoiceChannel); embed.fields.push({ name: "Channels", inline: true, value: trimLines(` Total: **${totalChannels}** / 500 Categories: **${categories.length}** Text: **${textChannels.length}** Voice: **${voiceChannels.length}** `) + embedPadding, }); const maxEmojis = { 0: 50, 1: 100, 2: 150, 3: 250, }[this.guild.premiumTier] || 50; embed.fields.push({ name: "Other stats", inline: true, value: trimLines(` Roles: **${this.guild.roles.size}** / 250 Emojis: **${this.guild.emojis.length}** / ${maxEmojis} Boosts: **${this.guild.premiumSubscriptionCount ?? 0}** (level ${this.guild.premiumTier}) `) + embedPadding, });{ embed }); } @d.command("ping", "", { extra: { info: { description: "Test the bot's ping to the Discord API", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_ping") async pingCmd(msg: Message) { const times = []; const messages: Message[] = []; let msgToMsgDelay = null; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const start =; const message = await`Calculating ping... ${i + 1}`); times.push( - start); messages.push(message); if (msgToMsgDelay === null) { msgToMsgDelay = message.timestamp - msg.timestamp; } } const highest = Math.round(Math.max(...times)); const lowest = Math.round(Math.min(...times)); const mean = Math.round(times.reduce((total, ms) => total + ms, 0) / times.length); const shard =[this.guildId]); trimLines(` **Ping:** Lowest: **${lowest}ms** Highest: **${highest}ms** Mean: **${mean}ms** Time between ping command and first reply: **${msgToMsgDelay}ms** Shard latency: **${shard.latency}ms** `), ); // Clean up test messages .deleteMessages( messages[0], =>, ) .catch(noop); } @d.command("source", "", { extra: { info: { description: "View the message source of the specified message id", basicUsage: "!source 534722219696455701", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_source") async sourceCmd(msg: Message, args: { messageId: string }) { const savedMessage = await this.savedMessages.find(args.messageId); if (!savedMessage) {"Unknown message")); return; } const source = ( || "") + "\n\nSource:\n\n" + JSON.stringify(; const archiveId = await this.archives.create(source, moment().add(1, "hour")); const url = this.archives.getUrl(this.knub.getGlobalConfig().url, archiveId);`Message source: ${url}`); } @d.command("context", " ", { extra: { info: { description: "Get a link to the context of the specified message", basicUsage: "!context 94882524378968064 650391267720822785", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_context") async contextCmd(msg: Message, args: { channel: Channel; messageId: string }) { if (!( instanceof TextChannel)) { this.sendErrorMessage(, "Channel must be a text channel"); return; } const previousMessage = (await, 1, args.messageId))[0]; if (!previousMessage) { this.sendErrorMessage(, "Message context not found"); return; },,; } @d.command("vcmove", " ", { extra: { info: { description: "Move a member to another voice channel", basicUsage: "!vcmove @Dragory 473223047822704651", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_vcmove") async vcmoveCmd(msg: Message, args: { member: Member; channel: string }) { let channel: VoiceChannel; if (isSnowflake( { // Snowflake -> resolve channel directly const potentialChannel = this.guild.channels.get(; if (!potentialChannel || !(potentialChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) {"Unknown or non-voice channel")); return; } channel = potentialChannel; } else if (channelMentionRegex.test( { // Channel mention -> parse channel id and resolve channel from that const channelId =[1]; const potentialChannel = this.guild.channels.get(channelId); if (!potentialChannel || !(potentialChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) {"Unknown or non-voice channel")); return; } channel = potentialChannel; } else { // Search string -> find closest matching voice channel name const voiceChannels = this.guild.channels.filter(theChannel => { return theChannel instanceof VoiceChannel; }) as VoiceChannel[]; const closestMatch = simpleClosestStringMatch(, voiceChannels, ch =>; if (!closestMatch) {"No matching voice channels")); return; } channel = closestMatch; } if (!args.member.voiceState || !args.member.voiceState.channelID) {"Member is not in a voice channel")); return; } if (args.member.voiceState.channelID === {"Member is already on that channel!")); return; } const oldVoiceChannel = this.guild.channels.get(args.member.voiceState.channelID); try { await args.member.edit({ channelID:, }); } catch (e) {"Failed to move member")); return; } this.logs.log(LogType.VOICE_CHANNEL_FORCE_MOVE, { mod: stripObjectToScalars(, member: stripObjectToScalars(args.member, ["user", "roles"]), oldChannel: stripObjectToScalars(oldVoiceChannel), newChannel: stripObjectToScalars(channel), }); this.sendSuccessMessage(, `**${args.member.user.username}#${args.member.user.discriminator}** moved to **${}**`, ); } @d.command("help", "", { extra: { info: { description: "Show a quick reference for the specified command's usage", basicUsage: "!help clean", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_help") helpCmd(msg: Message, args: { command: string }) { const searchStr = args.command.toLowerCase(); const matchingCommands: Array<{ plugin: ZeppelinPlugin; command: ICommandDefinition; }> = []; const guildData = this.knub.getGuildData(this.guildId); for (const plugin of guildData.loadedPlugins.values()) { if (!(plugin instanceof ZeppelinPlugin)) continue; const registeredCommands = plugin.getRegisteredCommands(); for (const registeredCommand of registeredCommands) { for (const trigger of registeredCommand.command.originalTriggers) { const strTrigger = typeof trigger === "string" ? trigger : trigger.source; if (strTrigger.startsWith(searchStr)) { matchingCommands.push({ plugin, command: registeredCommand.command, }); } } } } const totalResults = matchingCommands.length; const limitedResults = matchingCommands.slice(0, 3); const commandSnippets ={ plugin, command }) => { const prefix: string = command.originalPrefix ? typeof command.originalPrefix === "string" ? command.originalPrefix : command.originalPrefix.source : ""; const originalTrigger = command.originalTriggers[0]; const trigger: string = originalTrigger ? typeof originalTrigger === "string" ? originalTrigger : originalTrigger.source : ""; const description = get(command, ""); const basicUsage = get(command, ""); const commandSlug = trigger .trim() .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s/g, "-"); let snippet = `**${prefix}${trigger}**`; if (description) snippet += `\n${description}`; if (basicUsage) snippet += `\nBasic usage: \`${basicUsage}\``; snippet += `\n`; return snippet; }); if (totalResults === 0) {"No matching commands found!"); return; } let message = totalResults !== limitedResults.length ? `Results (${totalResults} total, showing first ${limitedResults.length}):\n\n` : ""; message += `${commandSnippets.join("\n\n")}`; createChunkedMessage(, message); } @d.command("about", "", { extra: { info: { description: "Show information about Zeppelin's status on the server", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_about") async aboutCmd(msg: Message) { const uptime = getCurrentUptime(); const prettyUptime = humanizeDuration(uptime, { largest: 2, round: true }); let lastCommit; try { // From project root // FIXME: Store these paths properly somewhere const lcl = new LCL(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..", "..")); lastCommit = await lcl.getLastCommit(); } catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line:no-empty let lastUpdate; let version; if (lastCommit) { lastUpdate = moment(, "X").format("LL [at] H:mm [(UTC)]"); version = lastCommit.shortHash; } else { lastUpdate = "?"; version = "?"; } const shard =[this.guildId]); const lastReload = humanizeDuration( - this.lastReload, { largest: 2, round: true, }); const basicInfoRows = [ ["Uptime", prettyUptime], ["Last reload", `${lastReload} ago`], ["Last update", lastUpdate], ["Version", version], ["API latency", `${shard.latency}ms`], ]; const loadedPlugins = Array.from(this.knub.getGuildData(this.guildId).loadedPlugins.keys()); loadedPlugins.sort(); const aboutContent: MessageContent = { embed: { title: `About ${}`, fields: [ { name: "Status", value: basicInfoRows .map(([label, value]) => { return `${label}: **${value}**`; }) .join("\n"), }, { name: `Loaded plugins on this server (${loadedPlugins.length})`, value: loadedPlugins.join(", "), }, ], }, }; const supporters = await this.supporters.getAll(); supporters.sort( multiSorter([ [r => r.amount, "DESC"], [r =>, "ASC"], ]), ); if (supporters.length) { aboutContent.embed.fields.push({ name: "Zeppelin supporters 🎉", value: => `**${}** ${s.amount ? `${s.amount}€/mo` : ""}`.trim()).join("\n"), }); } // For the embed color, find the highest colored role the bot has - this is their color on the server as well const botMember = await resolveMember(, this.guild,; let botRoles = => ( as GuildChannel).guild.roles.get(r)); botRoles = botRoles.filter(r => !!r); // Drop any unknown roles botRoles = botRoles.filter(r => r.color); // Filter to those with a color botRoles.sort(sorter("position", "DESC")); // Sort by position (highest first) if (botRoles.length) { aboutContent.embed.color = botRoles[0].color; } // Use the bot avatar as the embed image if ( { aboutContent.embed.thumbnail = { url: }; }; } @d.command("reload_guild", "", { extra: { info: { description: "Reload the Zeppelin configuration and all plugins for the server. This can sometimes fix issues.", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_reload_guild") reloadGuildCmd(msg: Message) { if (activeReloads.has(this.guildId)) return; activeReloads.set(this.guildId, as TextChannel);"Reloading..."); this.knub.reloadGuild(this.guildId); } @d.command("jumbo", "", { extra: { info: { description: "Makes an emoji jumbo", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_jumbo") @d.cooldown(5 * SECONDS) async jumboCmd(msg: Message, args: { emoji: string }) { // Get emoji url const config = this.getConfig(); const size = config.jumbo_size > 2048 ? 2048 : config.jumbo_size; const emojiRegex = new RegExp(`(<.*:).*:(\\d+)`); const results = emojiRegex.exec(args.emoji); let extention = ".png"; let file; if (results) { let url = ""; if (results[1] === "{ description: "Retrieves a users profile picture", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_avatar") async avatarCmd(msg: Message, args: { user?: User | UnknownUser }) { const user = args.user ||; if (!(user instanceof UnknownUser)) { const extention = user.avatarURL.slice(user.avatarURL.lastIndexOf("."), user.avatarURL.lastIndexOf("?")); const avatarUrl = user.avatarURL.slice(0, user.avatarURL.lastIndexOf(".")); const embed: EmbedOptions = { image: { url: avatarUrl + `${extention}?size=2048` }, }; embed.title = `Avatar of ${user.username}#${user.discriminator}:`;{ embed }); } else { this.sendErrorMessage(, "Invalid user ID"); } } async resizeBuffer(input: Buffer, width: number, height: number): Promise { return sharp(input, { density: 800 }) .resize(width, height, { fit: "inside", }) .toBuffer(); } async getBufferFromUrl(url: string): Promise { const downloadedEmoji = await downloadFile(url); return fsp.readFile(downloadedEmoji.path); } }