import { utilityCmd } from "../types"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; import { embedPadding, resolveMember, trimLines, UnknownUser } from "../../../utils"; import { EmbedOptions, GuildTextableChannel } from "eris"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration"; import { CaseTypes } from "../../../data/CaseTypes"; export const InfoCmd = utilityCmd({ trigger: "info", description: "Show basic information about a user", usage: "!info 106391128718245888", permission: "can_info", signature: { user: ct.resolvedUserLoose({ required: false }), compact: ct.switchOption({ shortcut: "c" }), }, async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) { const user = args.user ||; let member; if (!(user instanceof UnknownUser)) { member = await resolveMember(pluginData.client, ( as GuildTextableChannel).guild,; } const embed: EmbedOptions = { fields: [], }; if (user && !(user instanceof UnknownUser)) { const createdAt = moment(user.createdAt); const accountAge = humanizeDuration(moment().valueOf() - user.createdAt, { largest: 2, round: true, }); embed.title = `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`; embed.thumbnail = { url: user.avatarURL }; if (args.compact) { embed.fields.push({ name: "User information", value: trimLines(` Profile: <@!${}> Created: **${accountAge} ago (${createdAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")})** `), }); if (member) { const joinedAt = moment(member.joinedAt); const joinAge = humanizeDuration(moment().valueOf() - member.joinedAt, { largest: 2, round: true, }); embed.fields[0].value += `\nJoined: **${joinAge} ago (${joinedAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")})**`; } else { embed.fields.push({ name: "!! USER IS NOT ON THE SERVER !!", value: embedPadding, }); }{ embed }); return; } else { embed.fields.push({ name: "User information", value: trimLines(` ID: **${}** Profile: <@!${}> Created: **${accountAge} ago (${createdAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")})** `) + embedPadding, }); } } else { embed.title = `Unknown user`; } if (member) { const joinedAt = moment(member.joinedAt); const joinAge = humanizeDuration(moment().valueOf() - member.joinedAt, { largest: 2, round: true, }); const roles = => pluginData.guild.roles.get(id)).filter(r => !!r); embed.fields.push({ name: "Member information", value: trimLines(` Joined: **${joinAge} ago (${joinedAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss")})** ${roles.length > 0 ? "Roles: " + =>", ") : ""} `) + embedPadding, }); const voiceChannel = member.voiceState.channelID ? pluginData.guild.channels.get(member.voiceState.channelID) : null; if (voiceChannel || member.voiceState.mute || member.voiceState.deaf) { embed.fields.push({ name: "Voice information", value: trimLines(` ${voiceChannel ? `Current voice channel: **${voiceChannel ? : "None"}**` : ""} ${member.voiceState.mute ? "Server voice muted: **Yes**" : ""} ${member.voiceState.deaf ? "Server voice deafened: **Yes**" : ""} `) + embedPadding, }); } } else { embed.fields.push({ name: "!! USER IS NOT ON THE SERVER !!", value: embedPadding, }); } const cases = (await pluginData.state.cases.getByUserId( => !c.is_hidden); if (cases.length > 0) { cases.sort((a, b) => { return a.created_at < b.created_at ? 1 : -1; }); const caseSummary = cases.slice(0, 3).map(c => { return `${CaseTypes[c.type]} (#${c.case_number})`; }); const summaryText = cases.length > 3 ? "Last 3 cases" : "Summary"; embed.fields.push({ name: "Cases", value: trimLines(` Total cases: **${cases.length}** ${summaryText}: ${caseSummary.join(", ")} `), }); }{ embed }); }, });