import { command } from "knub"; import { MutesPluginType } from "../types"; import { User } from "eris"; import { sendErrorMessage, sendSuccessMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; export const ClearMutesCmd = command()({ trigger: "clear_mutes", permission: "can_cleanup", description: "Clear dangling mute records from the bot. Be careful not to clear valid mutes.", signature: { userIds: ct.string({ rest: true }), }, async run({ pluginData, message: msg, args }) { const failed = []; for (const id of args.userIds) { const mute = await pluginData.state.mutes.findExistingMuteForUserId(id); if (!mute) { failed.push(id); continue; } await pluginData.state.mutes.clear(id); } if (failed.length !== args.userIds.length) { sendSuccessMessage(pluginData,, `**${args.userIds.length - failed.length} active mute(s) cleared**`); } if (failed.length) { sendErrorMessage( pluginData,, `**${failed.length}/${args.userIds.length} IDs failed**, they are not muted: ${failed.join(" ")}`, ); } }, });