import { utilityCmd } from "../types"; import { multiSorter, resolveMember, sorter } from "../../../utils"; import { GuildChannel, MessageContent } from "eris"; import { getCurrentUptime } from "../../../uptime"; import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration"; import LCL from "last-commit-log"; import path from "path"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; export const AboutCmd = utilityCmd({ trigger: "about", description: "Show information about Zeppelin's status on the server", permission: "can_about", async run({ message: msg, pluginData }) { const uptime = getCurrentUptime(); const prettyUptime = humanizeDuration(uptime, { largest: 2, round: true }); let lastCommit; try { // From project root // FIXME: Store these paths properly somewhere const lcl = new LCL(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..", "..")); lastCommit = await lcl.getLastCommit(); } catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line:no-empty let lastUpdate; let version; if (lastCommit) { lastUpdate = moment(, "X").format("LL [at] H:mm [(UTC)]"); version = lastCommit.shortHash; } else { lastUpdate = "?"; version = "?"; } const shard = pluginData.client.shards.get(pluginData.client.guildShardMap[]); const lastReload = humanizeDuration( - pluginData.state.lastReload, { largest: 2, round: true, }); const basicInfoRows = [ ["Uptime", prettyUptime], ["Last reload", `${lastReload} ago`], ["Last update", lastUpdate], ["Version", version], ["API latency", `${shard.latency}ms`], ]; const loadedPlugins = Array.from( pluginData .getKnubInstance() .getLoadedGuild( .loadedPlugins.keys(), ); loadedPlugins.sort(); const aboutContent: MessageContent = { embed: { title: `About ${pluginData.client.user.username}`, fields: [ { name: "Status", value: basicInfoRows .map(([label, value]) => { return `${label}: **${value}**`; }) .join("\n"), }, { name: `Loaded plugins on this server (${loadedPlugins.length})`, value: loadedPlugins.join(", "), }, ], }, }; const supporters = await pluginData.state.supporters.getAll(); supporters.sort( multiSorter([ [r => r.amount, "DESC"], [r =>, "ASC"], ]), ); if (supporters.length) { aboutContent.embed.fields.push({ name: "Zeppelin supporters 🎉", value: => `**${}** ${s.amount ? `${s.amount}€/mo` : ""}`.trim()).join("\n"), }); } // For the embed color, find the highest colored role the bot has - this is their color on the server as well const botMember = await resolveMember(pluginData.client, pluginData.guild,; let botRoles = => ( as GuildChannel).guild.roles.get(r)); botRoles = botRoles.filter(r => !!r); // Drop any unknown roles botRoles = botRoles.filter(r => r.color); // Filter to those with a color botRoles.sort(sorter("position", "DESC")); // Sort by position (highest first) if (botRoles.length) { aboutContent.embed.color = botRoles[0].color; } // Use the bot avatar as the embed image if (pluginData.client.user.avatarURL) { aboutContent.embed.thumbnail = { url: pluginData.client.user.avatarURL }; }; }, });