import * as t from "io-ts"; import { transliterate } from "transliteration"; import escapeStringRegexp from "escape-string-regexp"; import { automodTrigger } from "../helpers"; import { disableInlineCode, verboseChannelMention } from "../../../utils"; import { MatchableTextType, matchMultipleTextTypesOnMessage } from "../functions/matchMultipleTextTypesOnMessage"; export const MatchRegexTrigger = automodTrigger({ configType: t.type({ patterns: t.array(t.string), case_sensitive: t.boolean, normalize: t.boolean, match_messages: t.boolean, match_embeds: t.boolean, match_visible_names: t.boolean, match_usernames: t.boolean, match_nicknames: t.boolean, match_custom_status: t.boolean, }), defaultConfig: { case_sensitive: false, normalize: false, match_messages: true, match_embeds: true, match_visible_names: false, match_usernames: false, match_nicknames: false, match_custom_status: false, }, matchResultType: t.type({ pattern: t.string, type: MatchableTextType, }), async match({ pluginData, context, triggerConfig: trigger }) { if (!context.message) { return; } for await (let [type, str] of matchMultipleTextTypesOnMessage(pluginData, trigger, context.message)) { if (trigger.normalize) { str = transliterate(str); } for (const pattern of trigger.patterns) { const regex = new RegExp(pattern, trigger.case_sensitive ? "" : "i"); const test = regex.test(str); if (test) { return { extra: { pattern, type, }, }; } } } return null; }, renderMatchInformation({ pluginData, contexts, matchResult }) { const channel = pluginData.guild.channels.get(contexts[0].message.channel_id); const prettyChannel = verboseChannelMention(channel); return `Matched regex \`${disableInlineCode(matchResult.extra.pattern)}\` in message (\`${ contexts[0] }\`) in ${prettyChannel}:`; }, });