import { MessageEmbedOptions, Role } from "discord.js"; import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration"; import { GuildPluginData } from "knub"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import { EmbedWith, preEmbedPadding, trimLines } from "../../../utils"; import { TimeAndDatePlugin } from "../../TimeAndDate/TimeAndDatePlugin"; import { UtilityPluginType } from "../types"; const MENTION_ICON = ""; export async function getRoleInfoEmbed( pluginData: GuildPluginData, role: Role, requestMemberId?: string, ): Promise { const embed: EmbedWith<"fields"> = { fields: [], }; = { name: `Role: ${}`, icon_url: MENTION_ICON, }; embed.color = role.color; const createdAt = moment.utc(role.createdAt, "x"); const timeAndDate = pluginData.getPlugin(TimeAndDatePlugin); const tzCreatedAt = requestMemberId ? await timeAndDate.inMemberTz(requestMemberId, createdAt) : timeAndDate.inGuildTz(createdAt); const prettyCreatedAt = tzCreatedAt.format(timeAndDate.getDateFormat("pretty_datetime")); const roleAge = humanizeDuration( - role.createdTimestamp, { largest: 2, round: true, }); const rolePerms = Object.keys(role.permissions.toJSON()).map(p => p // Voice channel related permission names start with 'voice' .replace(/^voice/i, "") .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1 $2") .toLowerCase() .replace(/(^\w{1})|(\s{1}\w{1})/g, l => l.toUpperCase()), ); // -1 because of the @everyone role const totalGuildRoles = pluginData.guild.roles.cache.size - 1; embed.fields.push({ name: preEmbedPadding + "Role information", value: trimLines(` Name: **${}** ID: \`${}\` Created: **${roleAge} ago** (\`${prettyCreatedAt}\`) Position: **${role.position} / ${totalGuildRoles}** Color: **#${role.color .toString(16) .toUpperCase() .padStart(6, "0")}** Mentionable: **${role.mentionable ? "Yes" : "No"}** Hoisted: **${role.hoist ? "Yes" : "No"}** Permissions: \`${rolePerms.length ? rolePerms.join(", ") : "None"}\` Mention: <@&${}> (\`<@&${}>\`) `), }); return embed; }