import { Plugin, decorators as d } from "knub"; import { SavedMessage } from "../data/entities/SavedMessage"; import { Message, Role, TextableChannel, User } from "eris"; import { GuildPingableRoles } from "../data/GuildPingableRoles"; import { PingableRole } from "../data/entities/PingableRole"; import { errorMessage, successMessage } from "../utils"; const TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000; export class PingableRoles extends Plugin { public static pluginName = "pingable_roles"; protected pingableRoles: GuildPingableRoles; protected cache: Map; protected timeouts: Map; getDefaultOptions() { return { permissions: { use: false }, overrides: [ { level: ">=100", permissions: { use: true } } ] }; } onLoad() { this.pingableRoles = GuildPingableRoles.getInstance(this.guildId); this.cache = new Map(); this.timeouts = new Map(); } protected async getPingableRolesForChannel(channelId: string): Promise { if (!this.cache.has(channelId)) { this.cache.set(channelId, await this.pingableRoles.getForChannel(channelId)); } return this.cache.get(channelId); } @d.command("pingable_role disable", " ") @d.permission("use") async disablePingableRoleCmd(msg: Message, args: { channelId: string; role: Role }) { const pingableRole = await this.pingableRoles.getByChannelAndRoleId(args.channelId,; if (!pingableRole) {`**${}** is not set as pingable in <#${args.channelId}>`)); return; } await this.pingableRoles.delete(args.channelId,; successMessage(`**${}** is no longer set as pingable in <#${args.channelId}>`) ); } @d.command("pingable_role", " ") @d.permission("use") async setPingableRoleCmd(msg: Message, args: { channelId: string; role: Role }) { const existingPingableRole = await this.pingableRoles.getByChannelAndRoleId(args.channelId,; if (existingPingableRole) { errorMessage(`**${}** is already set as pingable in <#${args.channelId}>`) ); return; } await this.pingableRoles.add(args.channelId,;`**${}** has been set as pingable in <#${args.channelId}>`)); } @d.event("typingStart") async onTypingStart(channel: TextableChannel, user: User) { const pingableRoles = await this.getPingableRolesForChannel(; if (pingableRoles.length === 0) return; if (this.timeouts.has( { clearTimeout(this.timeouts.get(; } this.enablePingableRoles(pingableRoles); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.disablePingableRoles(pingableRoles); }, TIMEOUT); this.timeouts.set(, timeout); } @d.event("messageCreate") async onMessageCreate(msg: Message) { const pingableRoles = await this.getPingableRolesForChannel(; if (pingableRoles.length === 0) return; if (this.timeouts.has( { clearTimeout(this.timeouts.get(; } this.disablePingableRoles(pingableRoles); } protected enablePingableRoles(pingableRoles: PingableRole[]) { for (const pingableRole of pingableRoles) { const role = this.guild.roles.get(pingableRole.role_id); if (!role) continue; role.edit( { mentionable: true }, "Enable pingable role" ); } } protected disablePingableRoles(pingableRoles: PingableRole[]) { for (const pingableRole of pingableRoles) { const role = this.guild.roles.get(pingableRole.role_id); if (!role) continue; role.edit( { mentionable: false }, "Disable pingable role" ); } } }