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synced 2025-03-18 23:09:59 +00:00
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68 lines
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import { TextChannel } from "discord.js";
import escapeStringRegexp from "escape-string-regexp";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { isOwnerPreFilter } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { createChunkedMessage, getUser, sorter } from "../../../utils";
import { botControlCmd } from "../types";
export const ServersCmd = botControlCmd({
trigger: ["servers", "guilds"],
permission: null,
config: {
preFilters: [isOwnerPreFilter],
signature: {
search: ct.string({ catchAll: true, required: false }),
all: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "a" }),
initialized: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "i" }),
uninitialized: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "u" }),
async run({ pluginData, message: msg, args }) {
const showList = Boolean(args.all || args.initialized || args.uninitialized || args.search);
const search = args.search ? new RegExp([...args.search].map(s => escapeStringRegexp(s)).join(".*"), "i") : null;
const joinedGuilds = Array.from(pluginData.client.guilds.cache.values());
const loadedGuilds = pluginData.getKnubInstance().getLoadedGuilds();
const loadedGuildsMap = loadedGuilds.reduce((map, guildData) => map.set(guildData.guildId, guildData), new Map());
if (showList) {
let filteredGuilds = Array.from(joinedGuilds);
if (args.initialized) {
filteredGuilds = filteredGuilds.filter(g => loadedGuildsMap.has(g.id));
if (args.uninitialized) {
filteredGuilds = filteredGuilds.filter(g => !loadedGuildsMap.has(g.id));
if (args.search) {
filteredGuilds = filteredGuilds.filter(g => search!.test(`${g.id} ${g.name}`));
if (filteredGuilds.length) {
filteredGuilds.sort(sorter(g => g.name.toLowerCase()));
const longestId = filteredGuilds.reduce((longest, guild) => Math.max(longest, guild.id.length), 0);
const lines = filteredGuilds.map(g => {
const paddedId = g.id.padEnd(longestId, " ");
const owner = getUser(pluginData.client, g.ownerID);
return `\`${paddedId}\` **${g.name}** (${g.memberCount} members) (owner **${owner.username}#${owner.discriminator}** \`${owner.id}\`)`;
createChunkedMessage(msg.channel as TextChannel, lines.join("\n"));
} else {
msg.channel.send("No servers matched the filters");
} else {
const total = joinedGuilds.length;
const initialized = joinedGuilds.filter(g => loadedGuildsMap.has(g.id)).length;
const unInitialized = total - initialized;
`I am on **${total} total servers**, of which **${initialized} are initialized** and **${unInitialized} are not initialized**`,