mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 06:51:51 +00:00
158 lines
5.2 KiB
158 lines
5.2 KiB
import { Member, TextableChannel } from "eris";
import { GuildCases } from "../data/GuildCases";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin";
import { GuildActions } from "../data/GuildActions";
import { GuildMutes } from "../data/GuildMutes";
import { DBDateFormat, chunkMessageLines, stripObjectToScalars } from "../utils";
import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
import { LogType } from "../data/LogType";
import { GuildLogs } from "../data/GuildLogs";
export class MutesPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin {
public static pluginName = "mutes";
protected actions: GuildActions;
protected mutes: GuildMutes;
protected cases: GuildCases;
protected serverLogs: GuildLogs;
private muteClearIntervalId: NodeJS.Timer;
getDefaultOptions() {
return {
config: {
mute_role: null
onLoad() {
this.actions = GuildActions.getInstance(this.guildId);
this.mutes = GuildMutes.getInstance(this.guildId);
this.cases = GuildCases.getInstance(this.guildId);
this.serverLogs = new GuildLogs(this.guildId);
this.actions.register("mute", args => {
return this.muteMember(args.member, args.muteTime);
this.actions.register("unmute", args => {
return this.unmuteMember(args.member, args.unmuteTime);
this.actions.register("postMuteList", this.postMuteList.bind(this));
// Check for expired mutes every 5s
this.muteClearIntervalId = setInterval(() => this.clearExpiredMutes(), 5000);
onUnload() {
public async muteMember(member: Member, muteTime: number = null) {
const muteRole = this.configValue("mute_role");
if (!muteRole) return;
await member.addRole(muteRole);
return this.mutes.addOrUpdateMute(member.id, muteTime);
public async unmuteMember(member: Member, unmuteTime: number = null) {
if (unmuteTime) {
await this.mutes.addOrUpdateMute(member.id, unmuteTime);
} else {
await member.removeRole(this.configValue("mute_role"));
await this.mutes.clear(member.id);
public async postMuteList(channel: TextableChannel) {
const lines = [];
// Active, logged mutes
const activeMutes = await this.mutes.getActiveMutes();
activeMutes.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.expires_at == null && b.expires_at != null) return 1;
if (b.expires_at == null && a.expires_at != null) return -1;
if (a.expires_at == null && b.expires_at == null) {
return a.created_at > b.created_at ? -1 : 1;
return a.expires_at > b.expires_at ? 1 : -1;
const caseIds = activeMutes.map(m => m.case_id).filter(v => !!v);
const muteCases = caseIds.length ? await this.cases.get(caseIds) : [];
const muteCasesById = muteCases.reduce((map, c) => map.set(c.id, c), new Map());
...activeMutes.map(mute => {
const user = this.bot.users.get(mute.user_id);
const username = user ? `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}` : "Unknown#0000";
const theCase = muteCasesById[mute.case_id] || null;
const caseName = theCase ? `Case #${theCase.case_number}` : "No case";
let line = `\`${caseName}\` **${username}** (\`${mute.user_id}\`)`;
if (mute.expires_at) {
const timeUntilExpiry = moment().diff(moment(mute.expires_at, DBDateFormat));
const humanizedTime = humanizeDuration(timeUntilExpiry, { largest: 2, round: true });
line += ` (expires in ${humanizedTime})`;
} else {
line += ` (doesn't expire)`;
const mutedAt = moment(mute.created_at, DBDateFormat);
line += ` (muted at ${mutedAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")})`;
return line;
// Manually added mute roles
const muteUserIds = activeMutes.reduce((set, m) => set.add(m.user_id), new Set());
const manuallyMutedMembers = [];
const muteRole = this.configValue("mute_role");
if (muteRole) {
this.guild.members.forEach(member => {
if (muteUserIds.has(member.id)) return;
if (member.roles.includes(muteRole)) manuallyMutedMembers.push(member);
...manuallyMutedMembers.map(member => {
return `\`Manual mute\` **${member.user.username}#${member.user.discriminator}** (\`${member.id}\`)`;
const message = `Active mutes:\n\n${lines.join("\n")}`;
const chunks = chunkMessageLines(message);
for (const chunk of chunks) {
protected async clearExpiredMutes() {
const expiredMutes = await this.mutes.getExpiredMutes();
for (const mute of expiredMutes) {
const member = this.guild.members.get(mute.user_id);
if (!member) continue;
try {
this.serverLogs.ignoreLog(LogType.MEMBER_ROLE_REMOVE, member.id);
await member.removeRole(this.configValue("mute_role"));
} catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line
await this.mutes.clear(member.id);
this.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_MUTE_EXPIRED, {
member: stripObjectToScalars(member, ["user"])