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synced 2025-03-18 15:00:00 +00:00
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341 lines
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import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions, getInviteLink, logger } from "knub";
import { trimPluginDescription, ZeppelinPlugin, CommandInfo } from "./ZeppelinPlugin";
import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
import { Message, Member, Guild, TextableChannel, VoiceChannel, Channel, User } from "eris";
import { GuildVCAlerts } from "../data/GuildVCAlerts";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { resolveMember, sorter, createChunkedMessage, MINUTES, SECONDS } from "../utils";
import * as t from "io-ts";
const ConfigSchema = t.type({
can_where: t.boolean,
can_alert: t.boolean,
type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf<typeof ConfigSchema>;
export class LocatePlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin<TConfigSchema> {
public static pluginName = "locate_user";
public static configSchema = ConfigSchema;
public static pluginInfo = {
prettyName: "Locate user",
description: trimPluginDescription(`
This plugin allows users with access to the commands the following:
* Instantly receive an invite to the voice channel of a user
* Be notified as soon as a user switches or joins a voice channel
private alerts: GuildVCAlerts;
private outdatedAlertsTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout;
private usersWithAlerts: string[] = [];
private unloaded = false;
public static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions<TConfigSchema> {
return {
config: {
can_where: false,
can_alert: false,
overrides: [
level: ">=50",
config: {
can_where: true,
can_alert: true,
onLoad() {
this.alerts = GuildVCAlerts.getGuildInstance(this.guildId);
onUnload() {
this.unloaded = true;
async outdatedAlertsLoop() {
const outdatedAlerts = await this.alerts.getOutdatedAlerts();
for (const alert of outdatedAlerts) {
await this.alerts.delete(alert.id);
await this.removeUserIdFromActiveAlerts(alert.user_id);
if (!this.unloaded) {
this.outdatedAlertsTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.outdatedAlertsLoop(), ALERT_LOOP_TIME);
async fillActiveAlertsList() {
const allAlerts = await this.alerts.getAllGuildAlerts();
allAlerts.forEach(alert => {
if (!this.usersWithAlerts.includes(alert.user_id)) {
@d.command("where", "<member:resolvedMember>", {
aliases: ["w"],
extra: {
info: <CommandInfo>{
description: "Posts an instant invite to the voice channel that `<member>` is in",
basicUsage: "!w 108552944961454080",
parameterDescriptions: {
member: "The member that we want to find",
async whereCmd(msg: Message, args: { member: Member }) {
const member = await resolveMember(this.bot, this.guild, args.member.id);
sendWhere.call(this, this.guild, member, msg.channel, `${msg.member.mention} | `);
@d.command("follow", "<member:resolvedMember> [reminder:string$]", {
aliases: ["f", "vcalert", "vca"],
options: [
name: "duration",
shortcut: "d",
type: "delay",
name: "active",
shortcut: "a",
isSwitch: true,
extra: {
info: <CommandInfo>{
description: "Sets up an alert that notifies you any time `<member>` switches or joins voice channels",
basicUsage: "!f 108552944961454080",
examples: trimPluginDescription(`
To get an alert for 1 hour:
\`!f 108552944961454080 -d 1h\`
To get an alert for 2 hours and 30 minutes with the reminder "Earrape":
\`!f 108552944961454080 -d 2h30m Earrape\`
*Note: The duration must be specified before the reminder, otherwise it will be part of it*
To get an alert for 3 days and be moved to the channel:
\`!f 108552944961454080 -d 3d -a\`
*Note: As with the duration, active must be specified before the rminder, otherwise it will be part of it*
optionDescriptions: {
duration: "How long the alert shall be active. The alert will be automatically deleted after this time",
active: "A switch that, when true, will move you to the channel the user joined",
parameterDescriptions: {
member: "The server member we want to set as the alerts target",
reminder: "Any text that will be displayed every time the alert triggers",
async followCmd(msg: Message, args: { member: Member; reminder?: string; duration?: number; active?: boolean }) {
const time = args.duration || 10 * MINUTES;
const alertTime = moment().add(time, "millisecond");
const body = args.reminder || "None";
const active = args.active || false;
if (time < 30 * SECONDS) {
this.sendErrorMessage(msg.channel, "Sorry, but the minimum duration for an alert is 30 seconds!");
await this.alerts.add(
alertTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"),
if (!this.usersWithAlerts.includes(args.member.id)) {
if (active) {
`Every time ${args.member.mention} joins or switches VC in the next ${humanizeDuration(
)} i will notify and move you.\nPlease make sure to be in a voice channel, otherwise i cannot move you!`,
} else {
`Every time ${args.member.mention} joins or switches VC in the next ${humanizeDuration(
)} i will notify you`,
@d.command("follows", [], {
aliases: ["fs", "vcalerts", "vca"],
extra: {
info: <CommandInfo>{
description: "Displays all of your active alerts ordered by expiration time",
async listFollowCmd(msg: Message) {
const alerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByRequestorId(msg.member.id);
if (alerts.length === 0) {
this.sendErrorMessage(msg.channel, "You have no active alerts!");
const longestNum = (alerts.length + 1).toString().length;
const lines = Array.from(alerts.entries()).map(([i, alert]) => {
const num = i + 1;
const paddedNum = num.toString().padStart(longestNum, " ");
return `\`${paddedNum}.\` \`${alert.expires_at}\` **Target:** <@!${alert.user_id}> **Reminder:** \`${
}\` **Active:** ${alert.active.valueOf()}`;
await createChunkedMessage(msg.channel, lines.join("\n"));
@d.command("follows delete", "<num:number>", {
aliases: ["fs d", "vcalerts delete", "vcalerts d", "vca d"],
extra: {
info: <CommandInfo>{
"Deletes the alert at the position <num>.\nThe value needed for <num> can be found using `!follows` (`!fs`)",
async deleteFollowCmd(msg: Message, args: { num: number }) {
const alerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByRequestorId(msg.member.id);
if (args.num > alerts.length || args.num <= 0) {
this.sendErrorMessage(msg.channel, "Unknown alert!");
const toDelete = alerts[args.num - 1];
await this.alerts.delete(toDelete.id);
this.sendSuccessMessage(msg.channel, "Alert deleted");
async userJoinedVC(member: Member, channel: Channel) {
if (this.usersWithAlerts.includes(member.id)) {
async userSwitchedVC(member: Member, newChannel: Channel, oldChannel: Channel) {
if (this.usersWithAlerts.includes(member.id)) {
async userLeftVC(member: Member, channel: Channel) {
const triggeredAlerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByUserId(member.id);
const voiceChannel = channel as VoiceChannel;
triggeredAlerts.forEach(alert => {
const txtChannel = this.bot.getChannel(alert.channel_id) as TextableChannel;
`🔴 <@!${alert.requestor_id}> the user <@!${alert.user_id}> disconnected out of \`${voiceChannel.name}\``,
async onGuildBanAdd(_, user: User) {
const alerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByUserId(user.id);
alerts.forEach(alert => {
async sendAlerts(userId: string) {
const triggeredAlerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByUserId(userId);
const member = await resolveMember(this.bot, this.guild, userId);
triggeredAlerts.forEach(alert => {
const prepend = `<@!${alert.requestor_id}>, an alert requested by you has triggered!\nReminder: \`${alert.body}\`\n`;
const txtChannel = this.bot.getChannel(alert.channel_id) as TextableChannel;
sendWhere.call(this, this.guild, member, txtChannel, prepend);
if (alert.active) {
this.moveMember(alert.requestor_id, member, txtChannel);
async removeUserIdFromActiveAlerts(userId: string) {
const index = this.usersWithAlerts.indexOf(userId);
if (index > -1) {
this.usersWithAlerts.splice(index, 1);
async moveMember(toMoveID: string, target: Member, errorChannel: TextableChannel) {
const modMember: Member = await this.bot.getRESTGuildMember(this.guildId, toMoveID);
if (modMember.voiceState.channelID != null) {
try {
await modMember.edit({
channelID: target.voiceState.channelID,
} catch (e) {
this.sendErrorMessage(errorChannel, "Failed to move you. Are you in a voice channel?");
} else {
this.sendErrorMessage(errorChannel, "Failed to move you. Are you in a voice channel?");
async function sendWhere(guild: Guild, member: Member, channel: TextableChannel, prepend: string) {
const voice = guild.channels.get(member.voiceState.channelID) as VoiceChannel;
if (voice == null) {
channel.createMessage(prepend + "That user is not in a channel");
} else {
let invite = null;
try {
invite = await createInvite(voice);
} catch (e) {
this.sendErrorMessage(channel, "Cannot create an invite to that channel!");
prepend + ` ${member.mention} is in the following channel: \`${voice.name}\` ${getInviteLink(invite)}`,
async function createInvite(vc: VoiceChannel) {
const existingInvites = await vc.getInvites();
if (existingInvites.length !== 0) {
return existingInvites[0];
} else {
return vc.createInvite(undefined);